Mirador de Torreblanca

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Mirador de Torreblanca del Sol forum threads
The Comments
20 Aug 2007 12:00 AM by faliraki Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Has anybody heard anything from completions about these apartments I am getting concerned and think we may lose our deposit and end up with nothing,I e,mail the builder to see what was happening but still no reply, does anybody think we should take legal action against Palmera because we all stand to lose a lot of money and would it be better if all joined together as one body.


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20 Aug 2007 8:30 PM by Perkinsclan Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

I think you are probably getting no reply as it is August.  I know someone that visited the builders offices last week and there was only the receptionist there as everybody else is on holiday.  What makes you think we may lose our money.  As I understand it we are just waiting on the habitations licence which we will not get whilst there is still building work going on.  The last completion date I had was October.

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21 Aug 2007 10:19 AM by freersl Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

I have just heard back from my solicitor with regards to the situation on the development.

He has spoken to Palmera and according to them they are not aware of any potential legal proceedings that they taking against Mirador - they did confirm that their legal team are currently on holiday.

My solicitor has also told me that Fuengirola Town Hall has temporarily closed the site as there has been a mud slide near to the development and therefore the builders need to rectify this before the site is re-opened.

Thats all I have at the moment, will update as I know

This message was last edited by freersl on 8/24/2007.

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21 Aug 2007 3:55 PM by gooner Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

I spoke with our agents yesterday as the development has completly disappeared from their website and i was aware there were a number of serious issues around the whole thing.  They told me they have now sent everything relating to this development to their legal department as there are 'significant problems' with the developers and the land etc. However Palmera also say their 'legal team' is having to be specially set up due to the nature and complexity of the problems as well as the number of purchasers involved.

Until this has happened the legal team are not contactable and when the team is up and running their contact info will be posted on their website. There is a block on any sales/re-sales on this development and this is likely to remain the same for some time. The builders apparently have taken this step. There are concerns that the original plans included blocks 11 and 12 and they need to be complete before anything else can happen. Block 12 has not yet been started.

This message was last edited by gooner on 8/21/2007.

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19 Sep 2007 1:04 PM by fultond Star rating in Haywards Heath & Tor.... 242 forum posts Send private message

Palmera Properties have now posted an urgent news communication on their web site. It is quite vague with respect to which properties are affected and how they are affected. I have requested some clarification from Palmera Properties with respect to Mirador de Torreblanca. I will post their reply, if it offers any meaningful explanation. 


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19 Sep 2007 6:02 PM by freersl Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

I have found this on the internet with regards to an action group taking out legal action against Palmera Properties, it referes to other sites being built by group mirador - I think problem here is who to believe ?


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20 Sep 2007 8:48 AM by freersl Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Morning Everyone,

I have cut and pasted the reply from our solicitors with regards to the info on PP's website: -

After speaking with the Town Hall planning deparment and a responsible of the promoter, I have found out that there are no problems regarding Torreblanca. The landslide is now sorted and the construction is almost finished. The handing over is expected around december, as the promoter has finished Blocks 5,6,7 but the Town Hall has forced them to finish also blocks 8,9,10 before releasing the occupation license.
The legal actions mentioned on Palmera Website are regarding a different promotion sold by Palmera from Grupo Mirador, not regarding the Torreblanca one

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14 Nov 2007 12:52 PM by fultond Star rating in Haywards Heath & Tor.... 242 forum posts Send private message

Anybody heard any news recently on the release of all remaining apartments? I have asked Palmera for updates, but get no reply at all.


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15 Nov 2007 2:54 PM by gooner Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

It's all very confusing really and different buyers and their solicitors tell different things. i.e. our solicitor tells us they have spoken with the local town hall and the Torrblanca site is included in those that there are problems with the builders. They have also said they will not be releasing the habitation certificates any time soon. This is in contrast to what another buyer on this sites solicitors have told them.  sooo i guess it's a case of sit and wait!

i am aware that a large number of (general) Palmera clients have got together and are in the process of seeking legal redress of Palmera and that in turn, Palmera are awaiting confirmation from a judge that they can bring a suit against the builders.

i am not going to hold my breath and was advised by my solicitor that it would probably be a long drawn out process.

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09 Dec 2007 6:11 PM by faliraki Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message


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10 Dec 2007 1:22 PM by fultond Star rating in Haywards Heath & Tor.... 242 forum posts Send private message

The site is back up and running now. However I am unable to get onto the International Property Ling site, who I believe are the parent company of Palmera Properties.

here is a copy of the latest information sent to me by Palmera Properties, sent on November 14th:

Dear Mr. Fulton,

Block 10 is still under construction but there is not much work left to be done.
We were told by the builder that town hall will not grant them first habitation
license unless all blocks are finished.  We are not able to guarantee you at
this moment in time if any problems may occur with this development. I would be
understandable to think that if town hall issues habitation license that clients
would be able than to sign the title deeds and take possession of property.

Please, understand that with all bad publicity and legal actions taken against
the builder we cannot know if that will affect mirador torreblanca. For now we
can hope for the best.

If you can visit our website under section news you will see that we have taken
legal action against the builder as well. As soon as more information becomes
available to us from legal department and the court authorities we will update
the website.

Kind regards,
Customer Services

All in all, not very promising! Hoping for the best was not in my plans when I parted with the deposit.


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10 Dec 2007 4:52 PM by Perkinsclan Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

Could you please let me know if you are all using your own solicitor or one appointed by Palmera.  I Think we should all get our own solicitor and I may keep costs down if we all use the same one.

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10 Dec 2007 5:52 PM by fultond Star rating in Haywards Heath & Tor.... 242 forum posts Send private message

I used theirs, so see some sense in that.


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21 Dec 2007 1:44 PM by markh1 Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message


I wondered if anyone could offer me any advice on where I stand on this. My situation is that I sold my apartment on this development (in Block 10) back in January 07. I sold it through Palmera and it was on the basis that the new buyer would pay me 50% upfront and the final 50% upon completion of the apartment. I accepted this on the basis that the property was supposed to have been finished in Aug 07, which I was advised by the Palmera Agent.

As I have now signed the cession contract and legally handed over the ownership to the new buyers, I don't know the best route for me to take to try and recover the other 50% that I'm still owed. Can I take legal action against either the builder or Palmera now that I've signed over ownership to the new buyers?

If anyone else is in my situation or can offer any advice I would really appreciate it.



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16 Jan 2008 6:29 PM by faliraki Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

will everybody please take a look at

http://www.costa-action.co.uk/index.asp?file=palmera_properties because action is being taken against the builder and palmera,

thanks Gordon

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16 Jan 2008 8:43 PM by freersl Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

This is the same website that I highlighted In September, and it is this website that I highlighted to my solicitor back then - the response then was the action group is in relation to other developments, not Torreblanca.

I still believe that a positive outcome will happen with this development and it will be finished and handed over this year. I know most of us have waited a long time for our apartments - my husband and I , 7 years this year!


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17 Jan 2008 8:52 AM by fultond Star rating in Haywards Heath & Tor.... 242 forum posts Send private message

I hope you are right.............but I've been hoping for a long time now!

Probably will come through at around the time the pound hits an all time low against the Euro.


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22 Jan 2008 4:01 PM by gooner Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

All very curious -especially when various solicitors are giving their clients differing advice on what properties are involved with this legal action.

My solicitor was clear that it did include Mirador de torreblanca!

lets hope some clarity can be given, by someone and soon as we need to know for sure if our complex is affected in all this and what, if anything, we can expect in terms of deposits returned or an actual apartment!

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22 Jan 2008 4:43 PM by Perkinsclan Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

I have now heard that Palmera offices have closed down and the phone numbers are dead.  The best advise I can give is to make sure you have your own solicitor, not one appointed by Palmera.  We have an excellent solicitor, she is spanish but her English is excellent, if anyone wants her details please let me know.

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25 Jan 2008 4:22 PM by fultond Star rating in Haywards Heath & Tor.... 242 forum posts Send private message

An exaggeration I think, however they obviously need to cut their cloth to meet the current business conditions. I emailed PP Customer Support, querying the status of the Benalmadena Office and got the following reply:

" We are not using any longer the whole office as it is to big now. We have reduced the premises and staff.


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