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Huerta Nueva los Olivos forum threads
The Comments
04 Sep 2006 12:00 AM by davidwilliam Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

I have been reading Inspectahome's article on snagging and was thinking of using their services.

It has ocurred to me that if a number of purchasers got together, then we could arrange a group price with a substantial discount for volume, anyone got any views on this 

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05 Sep 2006 9:54 AM by Jos Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi David

We were thinking of using their service too so I think it's worth a try - discounts always welcome.

If you want us to do anything to help just shout.

Jos and Danny

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05 Sep 2006 1:44 PM by DaveAilsa Star rating in Tallentire, UK, Los .... 101 forum posts Send private message

Hi David,
Please count us in on any possibility for a group discount - sounds like a very good idea.
We are buying 2A by the way.

Regards, Dave & Ailsa


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05 Sep 2006 10:36 PM by PandJ Star rating. 40 forum posts Send private message

Hi David

We have purchased 11b, i would be interested to know how much it would cost if we all clubbed together and how much individually.

John & Pam

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06 Sep 2006 9:45 PM by Getting Older Star rating in Midlands / Los Galla.... 35 forum posts Send private message

Getting Older´s avatar
Us too! Would it work if we were all being finished at different times?

A & K

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