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Have just received a letter notifying us that the meeting for the constitution of community of owners "Apartamentos P12 Fase 11" will take place on Friday 19th October at 10.00 in San Javier.
Enclosed is a proposed budget from 1/10/07 - 31/12/07 totalling Euros 124,085.88 ( largest charge Euro 42,656.64 for General Community and Entidad ) there is also a proposal for railing design for ground floor terraces.
Any other owners on Phase 2 received this yet? Any idea what Apartamentos P12 refers to?
Personally I think this is very short notice especially as we are coming into half term in UK and flights are pricey. I had expected first meeting to be Nov/Dec given timings on phase1.
Would like to go to meeting but unsure on timings but happy to discuss with other Phase 2 owners if thought useful.
Any advice from Phase 1 owners would also be very helpful.
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Hi Chris,
Yes also received the same this morning and will just miss this meeting as going out on the 20th,
Hope P12 and these charges doesnt relate to the block because I presume these charges are divided by the amount of apartments, we are block 51 what are you? I will E mail Roda and try to find out.
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Thanks for Info Rory, we are in block 50 so it does include us. I have no idea if these charges look reasonable or not but there is a note of the meeting for Phase 1 on another message board so will do some research before commenting.
I still think notice is a bit short as people have already made their own plans and might be difficult for too many to get there.
Under UK law I would have thought that at least 30 days notice should be given for an AGM but not hot on Spanish Law I m afraid.
Any thoughts as to what the general community and Entidad charge is?
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Hi Chris,
No not sure what this charge is yet, maybe some phase 1 owners can help.
These charges look similar to phase 1 though, If you work off about 80 apartments in each square (240 in total) it works out about 500 euros for the 3 month period. I have heard phase 1 owners are paying about 2000 euros for the year.
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I have recieved my letter very frustrating as I will be at Roda from the evening of the 19th.
There are a few threads on the site if you go back to March ( I must be sad) they imply the fee would be about 150 euors per month but cannot find any confirmation of exact fee. I also note that phase 1 managed to get the proposed bill down.
Is anyone going to egm I am in Block 51 and would be happy to give my vote to somebody who is if they think they will do a good job representing me.
_______________________ Richard & Jo
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We are disappointed that we have not been given more notice of the meeting as we had intended to go but have other commitments now on that date. I expect that this will be the case with a lot of people. DId Phase 1 owners get more warning?
_______________________ Yvette and Dave
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is it worth a few of us making representation to the community administrator regarding notice.
I gather there is no specific requirement in Spanish Law and normally a couple of weeks is fine for residents but as there are at least 50% overseas owners it is not a very satisfactory situation unless someone who can make it and argue any case regarding costings and carry proxies from those of us unable to make it.
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We received ours the other day. Is anyone able to attend the meeting? We own a Townhouse on Phase 2 block 1, I can't make the meeting due to being a teacher and they won't let me have any time off! Something about too many holidays.
Paul Mountney
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According to Florina in the Roda office the apartment charges and townhouse charges are seperate issues, the bill for apartments is 124,000 (not got exact figure to hand) so it looks like there are 2 different meetings.
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There are 288 apartments on faze 2. This means a monthly charge of 143.61 euros per owner.
I need to know if any owners will be attending the meeting. We will be at Roda from Oct 23rd as i am sure will several others with it being half term holidays.
If theres no one attending then i will email the administrator to see if the date can be changed.
I will also contact Sandra from faze 1 to see if the proposed charge of 10405 euros for lift maintenance was deleted from thier budget.
Your early comments please
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As some apartments are 3 bedded and most 2 bedded will it make any difference to maintenance costs for each apartment or do you think they will be shared equally?
I for one am going to find it difficult to attend on 19th and even week later as booking flights at this late stage in halfterm week will be quite expensive. we are due to go to Roda in November and I had assumed, time wise that meeting would not be before then.
Obviously those with families will be around the week after but others have already said they are there earlier or later.
Its a shame it could not be done in November when cheap flights could be found for 1 or 2 day trips.
I am not sure though that you will get a consensus when everyone will be happy to attend even if they changed the date.
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For information, it would appear that many owners on phase 1 were very surprised by the high cost especially as agents and Roda themselves had indicated that fees would be in the region of 1000-1500 euros per year. At the meeting many costs were queried including lifts etc. which should be under guarantee from manufacturers.
The largest charge to us is the 42,600 euros for General Community and Entidad, any ideas on this, which is in addition to the admin fee plus a reserve fund which I believe by law should be 5% but Roda insist on larger figure.
Obviously more will be explained at the meeting but it would seem sensible to have someone known to us who is there and some good information over figures.
There is a very good run down of Phase 1 meeting on another message board but not sure if I would be allowed to post link here.
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It would seem up to know no forum members have confirmed they will be present at the meeting.
I will email the administrator 2morro and ask if its possible for a postponment until the following week.
If not i will ask how we go about being represented in our absence
The 10000 odd euros for lift maintenance and 42000 general community charges need looking at.

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