The Comments |
Hi, Just wondering whether any of you are concerned about the quarry behind the development. When we bought in March we were assured that the quarry developers were only licensed for a year. However, when reality struck we realised that the licence was obviously renewed each year, so the end may not be in sight.
No idea what problems it is likely to bring with it – I’d hate to spill my vino tinto as a result of being shocked out of my hammock whilst on my patio!! 
This message was last edited by SpanishTogs on 11/10/2007.
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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as far as we were told the quarry is no longer in use the owner of the quarry also owned the land that is now being our development and all others.he was allowed to sell the ground to developers with planning permission etc .provided he closed the doing so he made a fotrune from the land deal.there is talk of the quarry site being made into a recreational park,walkways etc but who knows(its spain after all).
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We were told a similar story about the quarry being turned into parkland, supposedly it was conditional on the permission for our development. Stuart.
_______________________ C'mon the hoops!
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we were also advised that the quarry was no longer in use, as the local council put a limit onto how much of the hillside the company could quarry, so you should put your mind at rest. Turning it into parkland sounds good for the area.
_______________________ Ian Sturdy
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Thanks for those replies - very reassuring. However, not wishing to be a Job's Comforter, but I'm still not convinced, as back in April, just after we bought, I managed to email someone not involved in the development but who lived in Cox. He told me that there had been a lot of people in the town who had complained to the Council over a long period of time about the quarry and despite promises, he told me not to hold my breath. Oh well, hope you folks are right, but if not, I'll just have to tighten my grip on that glass of Vino Tinto!!
This message was last edited by SpanishTogs on 10/05/2009.
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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we were informed by a local young man that the quarry is closed and all points made are in place and future plans for the quarry are as stated previously.i went up to the quarry back in september for a look and it seemed closed to activity at all?the closure is not for our benefit but firstly for the benefit of the locals albiet.
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That sounds promising, especially as you've spoken to a 'local' and seen the quarry for yourself - brilliant and thank you. I just suspected that we were all being fed estate agent jargon. Sorry for being the Doubting Thomas and I can relax my grip again! Cheers
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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