I am contracted on Block 9 on Sea Golf and the developer has advised that blocks 8, 9 and 10 have been signed off by the architect and the Habitation Licence was applied for at the end of June. Checking with the Town Hall they are some way off granting a licence as they continue to ask for more information.
We went to the site office and bullied the guy there until they finally let us view our property internally. (We had made an appointment to do so from the UK and the person we made the appointment with was not there - they then maintained it is not possible to view a property until the habitation licence is in place. Blah, blah).
The site around blocks 7 to 10 is now nicely landscaped apart from the pool area which looks impressive but is not yet finished. The waterfall could be spectacular if we can all afford the maintenance to kep the pump running!!.
The communal areas are well finished (couldn't get into the garages as power was not operating) and the entry security appears as specified. Inside the apartment I was pleasanly surprised by the level of the finish - I know the spec said they would be good but it was nice to see they had delivered to spec. Kitchen was well appointed and all the rooms were well finished (light fittings not in place).
There will be snagging to complete but overall I was content with the grounds, communal areas and our own apartment. we tok boat loads of pics but these are on a different PC so I can't post them right now. Will endeavour to do so this weekend.
I am aiming to rent ours for holiday lets and would like to gather together as many like minded individuals to see if we can pool ideas or at the least help each other with the local management challenges being three hours away by plane can bring.
Please feel free to submit any questions on the site or thoughts on the future as part of this string or to privately send me your email address so we can communicate more directly.