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Hi all
Just enquiring about English TV stations etc. I know there is a communal aerial for Spanish TV and a communal micromesh aerial to which you have to subscribe to in order to get English TV (€500 connection plus a monthly fee) but am wondering for the likes of us who are only there for holidays etc. has there ever been any enquiries or interest in putting up a communal Satellite Dish that will receive FTA channels (BBC ITV etc) to which there would be no subscription just an installation fee .I have spoken to installers and they say there would be no problem for us to get this but obviously would need to get permission to mount this. Does anyone have any information on this or any interests in this and who would we contact etc.
Any info, thanks
Kev & Jess
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Not sure what phase you are on but i would assume you need to speak to the president or administrator of your phase. I think they as a committee can make the decision. Then you would have to decide on how and who would pay for the dish to be installed. Hope this helps.
Did you get to the Avalon bar in Bigastro? Was it any good?
Adios for now,
_______________________ Regards,
Martin & Tracey
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We are in Fase III, it was just an enquiry really thought it might be handy for us holiday home only people. If I could get Corrie etc. on our telly (or even better in the pub) I think my holidays would be even better than they are Will see if there are many responses to this thread. Saw the Avalon but never went in although it looks quite nice, Mervyn and Robert made a few trips for a few games of pool ( won't mention who went home the winner incase Mervyn is reading oops...) Will be over soon hopefully and will make a trip then or if ye are there soon maybe you can report.
Thanks for response
Kev & Jess
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We don't go out to spain to watch tv,
But that said, it might be nice on a cool, dark off season evening......
(but only if the price was!!)
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That isn't up to me it would have to be a communal effort probably through our president not sure waiting to see if someone replies with more local knowledge. But I know that I don't want to pay around €500 connection fee and a monthly subscription when only there for probably about 5 or 6 weeks throughout the year. Also from what I have been reading, that system could be pulled at anytime and would be a total waste of money for us non-residents. I have been informed by a local company that they could put up a communal dish that would supply up to 16 houses with free to air (BBC ITV etc.) with no monthly subscription just a once off fee,
Besides all that it was just an idea to put out there, not too pushed on the matter (as we have lovely neighbours who have offered to let us watch theirs) 
Kev & Jess
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We would be interested but we on phase one.
Just wondered if anyone has had a thought about the three phases putting together for sunl beds, brollies etc around the pool.. Save having to carry things backwards and forwards, and not everyone going to be there and wanting to use them all at the same time. If they were all bought together there would be continuity with the colours, styles etc.
This message was last edited by Kimberley Taylor on 2/5/2008.
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Does anyone know is there a community meeting scheduled anytime and if so maybe someone could put this forward.
Nothing ventured nothing gained as they say
Kev & Jess
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