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Well, well,well...
Are there actually things starting to happen now that it would appear Promaga are about to get the "First Occupancy Licence"??? We have been fed loads of duff information for months, we've been told lie, after lie about completion and we have struggled to get any information out of them, until now!!!!
Have you all been contacted by your Lawyers infroming you of this information? If so are you all beginning to feel the pressure starting to build from Promaga, now they want to make something happen.
It would be good to hear from you regarding your feelings on this matter...
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Yes Mark, Just heard from my solicitor this past Friday that they should be ready to complete in 2-3 weeks. No chance of that happening as we've yet to do an inspection visit so will email them on Mon and make arrangements to go over in early May and will hopefully complete late May/early June.
Certainly annoyed that Promaga have not contacted me with any new to even say that the apt is nearing completion.
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Hola I heard from my Lawyer last week to say that the first habitational license had been granted however several other clients havebeen down and said that their Apartments were not complete and there was still lots of work to be done. I think the license has been rushed through to meet the 2 years and 3 months completion date deadline but some of the Apartments have not been finished. Has anyone heard the same or inspected their own Apartment yet?
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I beleive that a couple buying in Block 3 went over at Easter and the kitchens were just starting to be fitted to block 3, but no appliances or worktops. Jaun of Promaga on site also would not commit when asked if they would be completed by mid May, so I believe our private contracts have a specification to include Kitchen & appliances, so it can't be correct that they have been granted FOL for whole phase 1, maybe some of the blocks?
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We are buying in Block 3. We've also been told by our solicitor that the licence of first occupancy is in place but she is waiting to receive a copy of it to check it with the town hall. She's also told us that Promaga's technical department is working on all the snag lists and that we should start to prepare the completion monies.
However we are still failing to get any information from Promaga despite numerous e-mails to them. Everyone seems to be getting differering information regarding a completion date which is very frustrating to say the least!
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We have just uploaded some photos of the development taken last week by our friends. Looks like it has really come on since we were last there in February, but of course this is still well overdue.
It is clear that we have all been given the run around by Promaga and sounds like there has been a number of false promises made and excuses given to keep us all quiet!
Exchanged e-mail with Christian at the showroom and he said that all the constructing work, carpentry, doors, windows, shutters and painting has been finished, but the majority of apartments are still missing the kitchen!
Kitchens are being installed block by block (currently in block 4 out of 14 with 1,2 and 3 completed)
His words..... "I think if all goes well your apartment could be ready for middle of May and Town hall agreed to all points regarding the first occupancy license. It’s verbally given, only missing the signature of the mayor; this should be done during this week!"
Does anyone believe this....we can but hope!
We have requested professional snagger (HolaLife) and they are keeping tabs on progress/timetable.
Mike & Andrea
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Hi everyone
For the first time ever, Promaga are telling the truth. The technical people fom the Town Hall visited the site on 28 March and the licence was signed by the Mayor on 31 March. After all the lies etc we didn't believe it either, so had our solicitor obtain a copy and email it to us. My Spanish is not good enough to translate it all, but it definitely applies to Phase 1 of 118 apartments on the Princesa Kristina urbanisation being developed by Promaga SA.
As we've bought in Block 3, and our kitchen has been installed, we are now being pushed to complete asap. No chance!!!
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hi there
i have inspected mine, in block 5, but there was no kitchen!
the license has been approved
will be returning to re-inspect when the kitchen is completed
mark tucker
_______________________ mark tucker
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Hi Mark,
Thanks for the info regarding kitchen as I am also buying in block 5.
Did they give you any indication as to when the apartments in block 5 will be ready to snag properly? We have received copy of FOL, bgut with conditions relating to Pool & Parking areas, it also refers to building dimensions to be checked.
Mark Barton
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Hi all
We have just returned on 20th April
We are buying in block 3, and most of the installation is complete - except the kitchen hob and washing machine (and quite a few snags).
We were a bit dissapointed with some of the detail (like installing most things at an angle - light switches, drawers and air con vents etc). - Especially since that the quality of the build was one of the salesperson's selling points
We spoke to Christian who confirmed that block 3 should be ready in about 4/5 weeks. If you need to contact him then leave a message - as reception is poor in the new show flat (the old one was flooded out). We found him very helpful - Note: if you can not get hold of him then you could leave a message on this site, as he does read it!
One safety issue to check is the fencing, as my wife found that the angled post had not been core drilled into the wall, and could potentially be very dangerous. I recommend that all buyers should get their garden fences checked. I will also be asking for some written assurance that the handrails have been installed in a secure and safe manner, as it does not give us much confidence if the person installing the fencing etc. believe that this is suitable. I will post a photo so that you all know what to look out for.
There are also a couple of issues that we all need to be aware of - Expansion joints between blocks - see photo, and lots of cats living in one of the underground carparks - these will stink unless the cats are removed soon!.
I know that the above sounds quite negative, but generally the building looks quite good compared to a lot of the builds. Lets hope that the builder maintains the quality and reputation that they have, and ensures that the snagging issues are rectified promptly and to a high standard.
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Hi all I have just returned last week and can confirm that the FOL has been granted on 31st of March. I have purchased in block 4 and the kitchen was not fitted so I'm not quite sure how the FOL was granted but it has been in any case. My financial situation has changed dramatically over the last 6 months and I will now find it a bit difficult to complete on the purchase so if anyone out there has friends or relatives who want to purchase a property at a knock down price then please let me know. It is in block 4 on the 3rd floor and the views are awesome. The kitchen was fitted this week and now looks good. I'll let it go at 298,000€ or even a bit less (this is a total price as it covers the IVA ,transfer tax and notary fees etc). If anyone is interested please post an enquiry to me. Thanks and good luck to you all in your new Apartments.
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I bought an apartment in block 13 - does anyone else have any information on how this particular block is progressing? Is the quality of this development anywhere near as good as promised by the selling agents? Has anyone completed on this development and have been pleased with the product overall? Keep getting less than completely satisfied clients' comments - please let me know.
This message was last edited by rhmupanemunda on 5/11/2008.
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The best way of getting an update on block 13 is to speak to Christian from Promaga. I have just spoken to him today to find out what is happening in block 3 and for a general update of the development. As for the quality of the finish, the development was sold on the location and quality of the build and therefore it should meet our expectations.
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We had hoped to have completed 2 weeks ago but kitchen was not fitted - promised by Christian that would be done urgently and we had our snagger lined up for today but advised this morning that kitchen team have not been on site for past 7 days - we are now looking for another week before kitchen completed and final snagging can be checked.
Apparently issue has been that the main contractor has gone bust and the sub-contractors have not been paid for a few months and Promaga are now having to settle all outstanding claims and build confidence with the workforce. All in all a right mess!
That said the development on the whole looks goods and we just want to be in now, having waited so long and to enjoy the summer out there
Mike & Andrea
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We were very disappointed that after identifying snags to the Promaga representative in the first week of April and again over 4 weeks ago via email and photos- such as fence posts not fixed to the wall- safety issue, cracked patio door glass, damaged kitchen worktop and many other snags ( and yes the still unfinished kitchen!) there appears to be no change following our latest snagging visit.
It is poor, especially since we were informed initially that the development was complete and ready for snagging in December!. How long will it take to complete the development so that people can move in?
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This is becoming quite a farce. We went out 4 weeks ago to do the inspection and were under the impression that the apartment was completed. We are in the same boat as everybody else in that the kitchen has not been installed. We also had quite an extensive snag list and am not at all happy with many of the so-called "high quality" finishings. Booked flights about 3 months ago to take some family over in September but can't see it being finished by then.
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