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Los Naranjos de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
21 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

We have bought a penthouse on Los Naranjos and have heard they are progressing well, but haven't seen much visual evidence.

Just found some excellent photos (which also show the Jardines behind) at

condado de alhama

 Then go to images/videos to construction photos. There is a lot to look at for the whole site.

I am amazed how far on they are. The whole development is starting to take shape now and I am sure it will live up to our expectations.

Hope this will prove useful.

This message was last edited by barney111 on 2/21/2008.

This message was last edited by barney111 on 2/21/2008.

This message was last edited by barney111 on 2/21/2008.

This message was last edited by barney111 on 2/21/2008.

This message was last edited by barney111 on 2/21/2008.

This message was last edited by barney111 on 2/21/2008.



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21 Feb 2008 4:36 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
Hi. I had a call from Customer Services a couple of weeks ago saying that they were making good progress. They were working on the outer covering of the brickwork and the internal work on some blocks. Expected completion still early 2009. We are in block 11 - any neighbours out there ?

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