Hi All,
Just thought I'd post a few photos taken at SG last week, the first are of Tony B's own work at 15-30 (well worth a look if you need something similar done by a Guy who does it well). The others are of the Golf Course, taken when we walked the course last sunday. The first couple show the hazards that await us all when it opens -(don't forget the wellies,) there will be more water than fairway!!! I've also included 2 taken at the far end of the course, where the other access road will be, from Sucina I believe. The roundabouts are built, and the roadway just needs surfacing.
Hi Pat & Trish,
Sorry we missed you, I must have been out, either playing (or trying to play) golf, or out shopping for fanlights in San Javier on our last day there - the boss sent me to get another fan/light for the hut. Never mind, as the song goes " well meet (- again), do know where, don't know when"..................most certainly in the summer!!
We send you a pm on posting pics etc., later, just off out for a couple of jugs with the boys back home.
Kind regards,
John B.
& Boss 
This message was last edited by hillwood on 3/13/2008.