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Angel de Miraflores forum threads
The Comments
04 Apr 2008 12:00 AM by russell Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

For all owners who paid for water / electricty up front before the licence of occupation was granted Aifos are now starting to pay back some of 900 euros we all paid for water / electricity we did not use.

I am advised that they are paying this a few each week so my advise is to contact your Lawyer and get them to contact Aifos for this repayment.

The season is nearly here and the development is starting to take shape. The pool / gardens are now fenched off and new pool opening times have been posted in the notice boards and around the pool. We have to employ a life guard due to the size of the swimming  pool and Spainish laws.

The grass around the pool is looking good and has grown during the winter months. The pool will have a deep clean in preparation for opening on 1 May. I have agreed with our Administrator that 4 sun parasols and 2 benchs will be installed during April so this will make the pool area a nice place to sunbathe and swim. A new path between blocks 5 and 6 and the outer gate is to be constructed which will be easier for walking and reduce the amount of dirt and mud brought onto the development.

May I ask all apartment owners and those renting out to obey the development rules. Alot of time and use of the very little spare money we have has been used to ensure the development looks good. Just recently a couple of young English children (with the parents with them) tried to climb over the 2 metre high fence around the pool causing some damage to the fence which was only erected in February 2008 and cost over 5,000 euros.

Have a great summer season.


Michael Russell. President.






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05 Apr 2008 8:52 PM by mrs e Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message


As owners of an apartment in Angel de Mira Flores we really appreciate all the hard work and time that you have invested in this development. 
When we came out in March we were really impressed by the way the community area is looking and we are grateful for your input and have noticed the changes since you have been president.  We have read your comments and are concerned that people are braking and damaging the new fence.  What also concerns us as owners and renting to holiday makers adverting a usable pool is that people renting our and other peoples apartments will be both frustrated and disappointed that they can not use this facility. 

Is there any way that the gate could have a disclaimer stating that usage outside designated hours are at the users own risk , their own liability, and that the community/owners can not be held responsible? 

We feel that people will continue to find a way to use the pool regardless of the fence and locked gate.  Therefore to minimize damage and costs, we wondered if the gate were left unlocked or as owners we had a key to the gate, it would be possible to give responsibility to holiday makers or residents themselves who wish to use the pool in unattended hours.

Peter and Joanne

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06 Apr 2008 3:55 PM by russell Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Peter and Joanne,

Thank you for your comments it is nice for a change to get some positive feed back.

The children who were damaging the fence where not going for a swim just mindless vandalism with their parents watching them.

Regarding the pool opening. I have to take advise from our Administrators on this subject. Due to the size of the pool ( being bigger than 200 m2 ) we have to employ a life guard during the opening hours to comply with Spanish law, displaying a disclaimer is not an option although this is already noted on the new pool rules board.

Employing a lifeguard is very expensive but as the pool is not heated the opening hours  which have been advised should ensure maximum use during the months of May, June, July, August and September.

Should someone have a fatality when using the pool without a lifeguard present all residents could be charged with manslaughter as nearly happened at another development on the Costa de Sol. As President are not preared for this to happen.

Michael Russell. President.



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21 Apr 2008 9:40 PM by ambermorgan Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mike

I agree the areas around the pool and the new bridge are starting to look real.

However that is great if you are n that end of the complex. The poor buggers in Block 1 have an area at the back that looks like scrubland. This is a shame the area to the rear of Block 1 is an area that in the eveing gets the sun till late. Making this into a lawned garden area with some seating and some shrubs would be practical and pleasing to the residents eyes.


Sorry to complain, you are doing a good job and progress is being made slowly. Spare a thought for the Block oners and get something done about our gardens, we are paing gardeners and getting nowt back.


Any feedback on this would be useful.

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24 Apr 2008 9:32 PM by john buckley Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Have to agree with Ambermorgan on this one. As all of us in block 1 are contributing as well, we should be seeing something to show for it at our end as well.

It's great that progress is being made and as we have not been down since last July we are looking forward to seeing the changes when we are down there at the end of May.

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25 Apr 2008 1:06 PM by russell Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

I am very disapointed with comments made by owners in block 1. As President I have invested alot of time and my own money into trying to do my best for ALL the blocks at Angel but this is not obviously enough for some.

Along with our Administrator I have beeen working hard to ensure everbody pays the community fees and infact we are taking owners to court if these are not up to date. The money we have had to spend is very limited and I have to make some tough decisions on where this is spent. A new fence around the pool and grassed area, new sun shades, pool toilets brought to a use able standard ............ the list goes on.

I am amazed with Johns comments since he has not visited since July 2007.

Block 1 - Due to some residents stating their intention to "breakaway" from the other 6 blocks and form their own community not much money has been spent for this reason. The other reason is that whilst I appreciate the area could have been grassed etc residents where still chasing Aifor for the building of the pool.  So why spend money when the area might be dug up for a pool.

If you are unhappy with the situation then you can vote me out as Preident at the next AGM. You can put yourselves up for election and have some of the crap thrown at you as I have had along with spending most of my holidays taken up the moaning residents. I can not please all the people all of the time. 

Sorry to so blunt but some of  you need to take a realality check. By the way I am attending the Grand urb Miraflores Presidents meeting on 13 June 2008. Airfare , car hire etc paid for out of my own pocket - any contributions welcome !!!

Michael Russell - President.

PS - Don't moan at me when you get a Spanish President then nothing will get done.




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25 Apr 2008 6:54 PM by ambermorgan Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Well Mike you are getting personal. What we are saying and you clearly missed the piont is there at present 7 bolocks in this complex whether we chase Aifos for the pool or not. Our monies are equal with blocks 2 -7 whilst we are a little away from the others we still count to the monthly funds for the complex and I resent your comments strongly. No one has questioned whether you are using our monies to fund your fares you did.

All we are asking for is that we are considered at the next stage for a lawned area to the rear. This could be used by everyone in the evenings as I said it gets the sun till late and would be a nice place to sit and read.

Come on Mike Block 1 have been neglected as you say because we want to break away but ask yourself why because we got a bit of grass seen and for weeds than Bill and Ben. We are not asking for alot a bit of a lawn a few benches and a gardener evry now and then.


You can bell me at home on 01706 359762 to discuss on a friendlier manner if you wish. 

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07 May 2008 12:20 PM by Superdave Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message


Well done to Mike as things are definately coming along.

I stand by Mike on the comment that you can,t please all the people all the time.

The pool is for everyone and certain items we are legally obliged to comply with -- ie fencing and lifegaurd.

The person in Block 1 should notice that all the blocks have scrub land to the rear so they have not been singled out which I feel is what he implies.

So Great job Mike and don't let the few grind you down as I for one really appreciate what you are doing.


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07 May 2008 9:24 PM by sleepy Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

With regards to Block1 the scrub land that is at the backs of the other blocks isoutside the perimeter fence where as in the case of Block 1 it is inside the fence

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12 May 2008 9:47 PM by ambermorgan Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Dear SuperDave

The job Mike was doing is not in question, and us few as you put it won't grind anyone down we are behind him! However practical comments are useful you numpty!

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