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El Balcon de Moratalla forum threads
The Comments
14 Apr 2008 12:00 AM by vmule Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message


It looks like El Balcon may still be ok, as they are now offering bank guarantees, and have been very helpful providing information to support the new arrangements.

We are definately looking at still buying as long as all the boxes are ticked in the right places and our solicitor confirms it to be ok.





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15 Apr 2008 6:25 AM by shaggi Star rating. 38 forum posts Send private message

Can you tell me what information you have received as checking with my solicitor nothing has changed.

Is it a proper bank guarantee or just an account that is ring fenced? Do you have to pay for the guarantee? Do they own the land yet? Do they have a time limit to buid before you get your money back? Have they got permission yet?

Lot´s of unanswered questions still.

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15 Apr 2008 4:38 PM by vmule Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message


Update I have is as follows of which I have researched myself.

Bank Guarantee with the CAM bank, for the full amount transfered into the special account. The gurantee covers till completion of construction.

Land, currently what I have been advised is that they have paid 50% of the land and have arranged a date for the remaining payment. I have asked that a clause is added into my Acquisition Contract relating to this and also to planning permission not being granted.

I have not been charged for the guarantee.

So far to date I have been emailed my reservation contract and a template copy of the Acquisition with the clauses which will be signed and agreed 30 days after reservation and transfer of the second payment. (this has changed compared to the original deal).

The Acquisition contract needs to state a completion date of the property which currently stands at 24 months, obviously this is something that can be negotiated within reason aslong as the project doesn't take forever.

So far I have been dealing directly with Bank Managers at the CAM to confirm that the AVAL (Bank Guarantee) will be granted, also independant solicitors, and the promoters, but saying all of this I have received all the information that I requested from the promoter without any issues, including a private contract signed between the developer and the land owners stating the puchase agreement of the land.

I think the key is to ensure the very least the land and the planning is stated as a clause in the contract if not owned or permission granted, the rest is standard.

We all knew there was a slight risk hence the price of these properties, but I have to admit, I have checked everything I possibly can including calling the local council to check the progress of planning permission.

As you may be aware the planning license needs to be approved not only by the council of Moratalla but also by Murcia, this is a long process and worst case scenario could take 2 yrs, but the promoter anticipates this will be approved by the end of the year.

It all depends how long you want to wait for a property, personally I'm not in a hurry.

Hope this helps.




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16 Sep 2008 12:36 PM by caprice Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Hello, any updates please, are you still going ahead, is all OK on the legal side? Thanks.

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16 Sep 2008 1:19 PM by vmule Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Hi Caprice 

I had to pull out due to my father beinmg terminally ill with lung cancer, so I have sort of lost focus on this, and will be trying to get part of my initial reservation fee back. 

Not heard anything, not sure how things are going. 

Have you not heard anything from you agent? 



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16 Sep 2008 10:21 PM by caprice Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Hello, Really sorry to hear your news. My agent is trying to get the money back...Keep in touch, all the best.

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