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A selection of local businesses from our Spain Business Directory:
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The law firm of Fuster & Associates was established in 1997 and offers a specialised service in conveyancing, non resident taxes and inheritance taxes. We offer free first legal consultancy, free non resident tax calculation, free weekly newsletter. :: Advisors and Accountants in Spain
English Notary Public We can assist you with all your legal requirements when buying and selling property in Spain. We are based in the UK and cover Bristol, Birmingham and London. :: Notary Services in Spain
We are qualified and fully regulated independent financial advisers living and working in Spain. If you're prepared to invest a little bit of your time and effort into your financial planning we are too. :: Advisors and Accountants in Spain
STM Nummos Life SL is an intermediary for Bupa International and Sanitas health insurance, providing a wide range of health plans specifically designed for expatriates. Whatever your requirements, and budget, we can help you choose the best plan. :: Insurance in Malaga
Off-grid solar installation. Parts, PV panels, inverter chargers, deep cycle batteries, MPPT charge controllers, solar swimming pool pumps, cabling , DC switchgear, circuit breakers, mail order, online web shop with discount shipping in Spain. :: Solar Energy in Spain
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13 ºC
Wind: 1 Humidity: 78
High: 17 ºC Low: 9 ºC
High: 15 ºC Low: 9 ºC
High: 15 ºC Low: 6 ºC
High: 16 ºC Low: 4 ºC
Map of Plasencia
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