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Current Weather in Pamplona,Spain
light rain
7 ºC
Wind: 8
Humidity: 76
Weather Forecast
Fri 7 Feb: rain and snow
High: 9 ºC
Low: 2 ºC
Sat 8 Feb: snow
High: 7 ºC
Low: -1 ºC
Sun 9 Feb: light rain
High: 5 ºC
Low: 1 ºC
Mon 10 Feb: light rain
High: 6 ºC
Low: 5 ºC
Tue 11 Feb: light rain
High: 11 ºC
Low: 6 ºC
Local Area Map
Map of Pamplona
Travel Resources
* marks external links.
Great value car hire
Driving and the law in Spain *
Currency exchange
Spanish news *