Iberdrola electricity tariffs

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24 Feb 2010 12:00 AM by angie652 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

I apologise for the long post but wonder whether anyone can shed any light on this.

We currently have a contract with Endesa - potencia contract 13.15kw and a tariff group 2.1A.

I called Iberdrola 2 weeks ago and spoke to a lady in their contract department about switching to Iberdrola on the free market.
She quoted me :

€29.694433/kw Year

I was told the above rate would be fixed for 1 year and asked to send a fax to the Iberdrola contract dept. with the existing Endesa details.  Fax was duly sent and I heard nothing for a week, so I rang the contract department to check if the fax was received and during the course of the conversation I was told that the rate that was originally quoted to me did not exist!! 

I was told that the actual tariff for customers transferring from another distributor with the rating of 2.1A & a potencia of 13.15kw  is:

€30.636924/kw Year

I was also told that there was an option to go on a day/night tariff which in the long run would be a cheaper.

€27,947329/kw Year
€0.155489/kw day
€0.063771/kw night

As I was persuaded that the original price quoted to me before was totally incorrect and that those prices did not exist I proceeded with going ahead with a telephone contract for the day/night tariff.

Later that day I went onto the Iberdrola website and found the page with all the necessary tariffs which shows the original low cost tariff for 2.1A.   I rang the person I was dealing with at Iberdrola and told him that the price that he said did not exist was in fact on the Iberdrola website.  He then put me on 'hold' to talk to his supervisor....came back and said that the prices were on a "hacked" page and that I should go to the official Iberdrola website!  I argued that I was on the official Iberdrola website and actually talked him through the search process until he found the page for electricity tariffs!  He then went to speak to his supervisor  again and came back with the explanation that the tariff for 2.0, 2.1A & 3.0A was in fact the prices that other electricity companies buy electricity from Iberdrola!???  Can anyone shed light on this....as it doesn't make any sense as to why Iberdrola would put details of  commercial prices on their website showing how much they sell electricity to other companies??

I am unable to include the Iberdrola tariff link showing the various tariffs in this message, but if a moderator could pm me I will give them the link.







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24 Feb 2010 9:18 PM by angie652 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Can anyone help, please?  

If anyone could help me challenge the Iberdrola website prices then this could mean cheaper electricity for anyone wishing to change from their existing distributor on the free market to Iberdrola!!


This message was last edited by angie652 on 24/02/2010.

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25 Feb 2010 7:23 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9420 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 Can you send the link to us by email?


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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25 Feb 2010 1:12 PM by angie652 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message


I have just sent you an email with the link.

Many thanks

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15 Apr 2010 9:23 AM by aras Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


I am from Lithuania and I research Iberdrola electricity tariffs. I saw this thread and have one question. What does it mean: LOW VOLTAGE ACCESS RATES in Iberdrola tariff link www(dot)iberdrola(dot)es/webibd/corporativa/iberdrola?IDPAG=ENWEBCLIHOGASEINFLEGELE? Is it tariff of supply or distribution? Excuse me for my poor knowledge of English.

Thanks in advance for any info.



This message was last edited by aras on 15/04/2010.


This message was last edited by aras on 15/04/2010.

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09 Nov 2010 6:23 PM by Forhotspot Star rating. 233 posts Send private message


  Can anyone please explain what these below mean? What are Summer  & winter start & end dates?



Power            20.633129 per year


Punta              0.149253 kw/hour

Valle               0.058616 kw/hour


The cheaper hour are


Summer  23hrs – 13hrs

Winter      22hrs -  12hrs



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12 Nov 2010 6:14 AM by JohnKath Star rating. 157 posts Send private message

Those are the rates that refer to what used to be called in UK "white meter tariff". Punta and valle are the high and low rates for day and night electricity. So if you use most of your electricity at night it costs about half or less than the day rate.

The times given are the start and stop times for winter and summer so that now the low rate starts at 10pm and finishes at mid day. We arrange to use most of our heavy power users in that time slot and get the benefit of the lower rate. The times change with the clock going back and foreward so you dont need to change timers on things like the pool pump, dishwasher, washing machine and immersion heater.

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12 Nov 2010 8:36 AM by Forhotspot Star rating. 233 posts Send private message

Thanks JohnKath for your explanation.

I thought there's a different standing charge which will be  higher if you go for the cheap tarrif & lower for the normal tariff. Isn't there 2 diffrent standing charges?

What is this Power  20.633129 per year? Is this the power you're allowed to use? I don't know about UK white meter as I'd left UK for a long time.



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