For what I´ve heard on the radio and TV, the Lawyer´s firm raided was Cruz Conde..... it seems they have arrested 19 people including 3 ( three) Notaries, lawyers, etc..... two of them spent some time also inside with the "white whale" affaire.--
Now, Sur says now that the operation was "named" "Hidalgo" and it was on the go for at least two years...... aparently it recalled the atention of the investigation the fact that there were more than 800 companies without activity registered by the same law office most of them with the same address, and with some employees showing as "directors"... and apparently, once again according to "SUR" were involved in some sort of "financial engineering" apparently tending to bleach things coming from other places....
They have "intervenido" properties, cars, bank accounts and so, so, so.....
They have used more than 150 personel to make the de detentions and the operative in itself and apparently the "downtown" Marbella was plenty of cops....
This was Juan Pánzon, reporting from Bagdahd....
let us see what will stand standing after all this.......