The Comments |
Well have I had the most fabulous day! Took son this morning to the Marbella rugby ground as they had the semi and then finals of the Andalucian Juvenil championships.
Marbella started in the first game against Seville and stuffed them. Son made 2 out of the 7 trys! Followed by 5 conversions.
So into the finals they went and boy was it a hard drawn game. Back and forth up and down the pitch, all were very tired but fought like crazed tigers to the end. Very sporting for children of the age and what a very well formulated team.
Our guys scored a try after the 15th minute (20 mins each way on full sized pitch) with the conversion just a tad too acute to be scored.
A later penalty took the points to 8 - 0 where it stayed despite some real hairraising play form St Geronimo (Seville)
Then the whistle went and our guys had won!
2 bottles of champagne were sprayed over them and the presentation of the trophy alongside medals commenced.
I watched and was pretty well behaved, tinto verano in one hand and a hot dog in the other, under the sun with the view of the mountains to the right. What a setting and what a fabulous day!
The team - now the Official Champions of Andalucia are through to the national games probably in Madrid within the next few weeks - so a trip up there for me too!
Im still dead chuffed, my heart ready to burst and with a tear in my eye.
How the babies grow up!
Hope everyone has a great weekend - I will be walking on clouds for a little while. This message was last edited by Rixxy on 4/14/2007.
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
What an amazingly proud moment for you, Rixxy! I got quite choked up reading about your son's achievement (I am a bit soft like that) and you are quite right to be bursting with pride. I hope he is, too. Thank you for sharing it with us - shout it from the rooftops, and roll on Madrid!
Thanks for that Rose. Yes I am so so proud. To achieve something yourself is one thing but when one of your kids does it all by themselves its totally another.
Makes all the aggro, hard work and daily grind and slog well worth it.
Im quite hoarse from all the shouting as well! And a bright red face from the sun. But I dont care!!!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Congrats Rixxy and Rixxy JUnior - you must be very proud and justifiably so - perhaps Malaga province will be able to show the rest of Spain something when it comes to the National Championships - we seem to be also rans at footie so it will be good to have a sport where this part of the country can show the rest of Spain how to do it
Smiley -
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/18/2007.
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/18/2007.
Wow Rixxy - How lovely to see and hear how loving and supportive you are to your son. It brought a lump to my throat reading your post. A huge congrats to your son and his team and good luck to them for Madrid!
Having worked with primary school children all my working life your son will remember your support and it means much more than you know in his personal development and self esteem. You seem to certainly have all the right priorities in life and live life to the full, working hard, playing hard and enjoying your family - what a lady!
Thanks so much for all your thoughts guys. Yes Jules Im dead proud of both my kids. I moved to Spain mainly for their future and have no regrets at all
My daughter was very into athletics middle distance running when she was 11 and 12 - 4 years ago and ran for Malaga. The training was very intense and she opted to concentrate on her studies - a hard decision but in the long one a good one. She was also into swimming and badminton.
They get it from me as I was into all sports when at school and college and its great to see them enjoying it. Chris has only been in rugby a few months - this is his first season but he has a flair for it and is quite a force on the field.
At 14 (15 in 2 weeks time) he stands 6ft 2, pretty solid and weighs in at 83 kilos! Throws me around like a rag doll at times and is a bugger in the swimming pool!
I reckon I can still actually sprint faster than them though and always beat them to the sweet shop!! 
Still, its a poud day and I will let you all know how they fare at National level.
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Well normally if Im on all fours then I would be rather the worse for wear and a bit slow! At least I finally find my way home - eventually!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
No not at all, you are a very resposible croc. I meant me - I always find my way home, eventually.
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Tried that and it led me in a circle! Luckily gut feeling gets me exactly where I want to go and where I need to be.
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Rixxy, congratulations to your son, you deserve to be proud. I'm a proud mother too. My youngest son has been accepted into stage school. I will only let him go part time though, important to get qualifications too.
Yes its hard to know when to let them do what they want and at the same time you KNOW they still have to study. My daughter had the same dilemma as she was in the Mijas athletics club and doing very well for her age group - came 6th in a major race meet against kids a year older than her (and her first competition) with the distance 2.5km or something like that!
But training was 4 nights a week and she studies hard - not forced by me at all - so she decided she would go for the studies and now plays volleyball and badminton. Bit of a shame but there you go
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/18/2007.
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/18/2007.