Watchdog on Thursday 3rd June: demolitions in Spain, at 8pm UK/9pm Spain

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28 May 2010 12:00 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

A report on the Britons who bought property in Spain, and who now face demolition orders.


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28 May 2010 10:58 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar

Good post, very interested to see that, misssed it in the listings


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28 May 2010 11:03 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Hi David, hope you enjoyed or are still enjoying Spain.

We watched Watchdog (for once) last night & at the end they said next week's was about demolitions in Spain so I have put a reminder on our HD here in Spain to record it in case we forgot.

Be interesting to see how Watchdog present it, won't it?



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29 May 2010 12:58 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar


We leave tomorrow beena a great trip

I've left a message on my answer phone at home as a reminder to set on Sky+ in case i forget!

When was it?

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29 May 2010 1:02 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

Not related in any way, but the iPhone and iPod touch (plus presumably the ( iPad) have a great little app to allow you to set your Sky+ from wherever you are, and it's free!! You can also set your Sky+ by logging into the Sky website and going to the My Sky section .


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29 May 2010 1:07 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar


Thanks for that info will look into

I've ben in spain 51/2 weeks with my new iphone and i'm struggling without the aid of a twenty something, thats why i phoned home!


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03 Jun 2010 8:35 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Watchdog in 30 mins, with demolitions in Spain


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03 Jun 2010 8:39 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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TechNoApe´s avatar

Quick, somebody PM Norman, he loves this sort of thing!


This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 03/06/2010.


Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?

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03 Jun 2010 10:30 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Now, now Techno, unless you want to be another Norman! This WAS a serious thread, why spoil it with that comment.

Did you watch it BTW? We had a big storm which broke the picture up a lot immediately after the bit I wanted to see. The Spanish Ambassador in the UK was answering questions (or not!) & Anne Robinson was grilling him as she does people. He managed to get in that it is a good time to buy in Spain.

Oh thanks for finding my thread, 7000 posts, & posting.


This message was last edited by morerosado on 03/06/2010.


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03 Jun 2010 10:44 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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TechNoApe´s avatar

Sorry More!

Had to get that jibe in as Norman has been winding we 'sillies' (anyone who has anything remotely positive to say about Spain) right up!!!!!

No! I haven't watched it yet!

Had to record it as I was watching Britain's Got Talent, but will watch it after the results for tonight's semi-final, in which I hope Twist & Pulse and the incredible Janey Cutler get through.

And your welcome.

Hopefully will reach 1000 myself sometime in the not too distant future.


Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?

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03 Jun 2010 10:51 PM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

When I first joined EOS, I thought people who had unwittingly bought illegal properties were a bit dim or naive.  However, from watching shows like this, it seems to me that they were extremely unlucky.  They did everything right, had all the right paperwork from the local council etc.  Unfortunately for them though, a lot of these councils turned out to be crooks.


Read my blog: Spain Money Saving Tips and Offers 

Use TransferWise to send money abroad. A lot cheaper than the bank and other online currency exchanges!.



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04 Jun 2010 12:38 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

I saw the Watchdog programme (in spite of coming out in a rash every time I hear Anne Robinsons voice!), but most of the content is stuff we have seen and heard before. They made a couple of remarks about corrupt mayors, but neglected to mention that we all employ lawyers to ensure that mistakes are not made and the notaries who are supposed to check that all the documentation is legal.  Those gentlemen usually make us part with about 1000 euros each for, what turns out to be no professional service at all, not to mention the duplicity exhibited by the banks. Spain is similar to the UK in that it has building regulations (mostly of EU origin anyway) and local authorities are responsible for checking on quality and observance of laws, yet we constantly see poor quality workmanship, particulaly in areas of drainage and services, which, because you can't generally see them, tend to be botched and covered up.

In Spain, the systems (although not always the people) ar rotten from top to bottom, official paperwork is not worth the paper its printed on and regulation of property laws is a joke (or would be if it wasn't so serious for some people) and contracts are uninforceable. 

Spains Ambassador was clearly embarressed and his replies were equivocal (Spanish officials are expert at this) and just to show his contempt he even made a sales pitch that Spain was cheap at present, well thanks for rubbing our noses in the fact that your countries corrupt, incompetent officials are living the good life, enjoying the discomforture of Brit's who have lost about £75,000 of every £100,000 they have invested in your country.  Its very comforting to know that there is no real official recognition that there is a problem that needs solving!

Strangely enough, our local MEP is Spanish and she says that she is highly embarresed by the ineptitude of her countries legal systems and indeed has raised it in the European Parliament (see another post here).  Well, lets not hold out too much hope there then as they are more scornful of our rights and corrupt to the core than even the Spanish manage.  Other than the MEP's every EU official is unelected, from that weird little weasle of a president down to the floor sweeper. Voting for MEP's is just a sop to the masses in an attempt to convince us that our vote means something.  It's as though they took a look at the British 'jobs for the boys' system and though "We can do that, only bigger and better".

BBC/ITV, please spare me these 5 minute sensation shots that typify the out of touch aspect of the British establishment.  Unless you intend to join or organise a campaign to help, just don't bother to make capital out of those unfortunate enough to be bearing the brunt of the troubles.


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04 Jun 2010 1:13 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Hi Mike, many good points. There are many threads on EOS going on about corruption, I just started this thread to bring to peoples attention that  Watchdog were going to show something about demolitions in Spain. (I, too, thought the Ambassador was embarrassed  & quite rightly too & it makes you wonder WHY he accepted the invite to be on the programme).

Those who missed the programme, & who are in the UK, can view it  here. Outside the UK we cannot see iplayer.


This message was last edited by morerosado on 04/06/2010.


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04 Jun 2010 6:34 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Well there we have it........... "these cases are exceptional"........... "administrative errors";........... "we have to apply the laws";........... "I cannot promise that demolitions will not occur"

Exceptional rubbish.

Tell that to the thousands who have ALSO been robbed of their monies in the offplan fiasco where the system of Bank Guarantees was supposed to be in place to protect them, and lawyers, Banks, agents, whoever turned a blind eye to their non provision, and even those who managed to get them found that the Banks were refusing to honour them. Where court delays continue to compromise those who have won their legal cases for breach of contract whilst Spanish developers illegally asset strip,.............

And to cap his so called concerns the Ambassador springs an advert at the end.

The arrogance and lack of commitment to address these major problems is quite astonishing but typical of a system that is a disgrace in its legal administration and corrupt practices, and a disgrace in its non-accountability to innocent folk who have invested in their country.

NO MORE POLITICAL PAWNS in a system that stinks please.

Until such cases are compensated then no-one with any sense of moral fibre should invest in Spain. It's a complete fiasco and demonstrates a terrible disregard for individual human rights......... How can anyone living in Spain right now not be horrified at what is happening to THOUSANDS of people. They should stand up to their government, Ambassadors, MEPs whoever and demand that their country be spared the embarassment of everyone's contempt that very sadly makes it a laughing stock of Europe.

Rant over.

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04 Jun 2010 7:50 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

I don't know about 'Watchdog', perhaps it should be named 'Toothless Watchdog' in future, or considering the interview 'Pussycats Problems'!  I dislike the programme anyway, but this proves how poor they are at really holding people to account.  The Ambassadors performance was utterly shameless, perhaps they should have got someone like John Humpries in specially, that would have been interesting.  they will probably put him on the 'One Show' for a more agressive grilling.


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04 Jun 2010 8:34 PM by tonynault Star rating in Stockport & Cox!. 88 posts Send private message

tonynault´s avatar

 Quite right Xetog!!  The problem with this type of programme is that it has to be "entertaining" as much as investigative. While this is the case then true accountability will always come way down the priority list. A case in point was the rest of the programme with that irritating git on the motorbike!! Does he have to mug to the camera all the time?? And his mate who rides the bike looks like he's been taking acting lessons(he should ask for his money back!).

I agree the ambassador was let off too easily but given the format Anne Robinson is too busy thinking about the next link, or jokey remark  to ask really searching questions! Still it did highlight the problem which is better than nothing, but I think there is a real hour long documentary to be done if only there was the will.


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04 Jun 2010 9:14 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar

Have just caught up with this programme

What a toothless waste of time, sadly in this showing the only winner was the Spanish Ambassador

It was a great opportunity to highlight the "real injustices'' going on,  but to be honest all that really struck home was the "dodgy'' alarm salesman

1 out of 10

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05 Jun 2010 12:55 AM by mgk Star rating in Penthouse 2. 241 posts Send private message

mgk´s avatar

 I have to agree with the previous comments on this thread 

the Ambassador? was pathetic in his attempt to justify the blatant actions of so called justice in Spain ? 

I cant believe his attempt at an advert at the end of his grilling by the wicked witch of the west !!


tel.605 832  795

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