The Comments |
I know the theme park rumour has surfaced manay many times over the years. Presently its doing the rounds of the Murcia based Polaris World Condado de Alhama threads. It has been in the news because agreements have been reached with Paramount to use their brand and with private investment build a 2.5 km square theme park on one piece of land or another in SE Murcia. At the moment it does seem more than a runmour though funding may have the final say
Having read and contributed to the thread for Condado de Alhama and read various news reports and seen some Spain tv items. I wondered what the opinons of the general forum are. Not everyone is for the idea and some people believe it shouldnt have gone to Murcia anyway. Murcia City, Caretgena, Alhama de Murcia, Condado de Alhama,Molina de Segura to name but a few, are locations that have put in their bid. In February it was big news that Condado de Alhama was a favourite for the theme park. The new AVE rail link Cartegena to Murcia will play a part in the decision too.
On a personal note I wouldnt have bought on a resort abutting a theme park however wonderful it was, I was looking for a mega golf resort- but Polaris haven't fully achieved what they proposed to achieve and at least this theme park would bring investment to the area and hopefully kick start the development on Condado de Alhama (if it was to be developed on the land that would have been Condado de Alhama ll)
No good though if the minister for tourism is driving all the low cost airlines away is it ?
Todos somos Lorca.
quote...No good though if the minister for tourism is driving all the low cost airlines away is it ?...unquote
Or is it that the cheapskate airlines are just getting to damn greedy?
Used to be that the airlines paid to use the airports, now its more a case of the airports having to pay the airlines...or else!
There was an interesting article on about this. Remember that many low-cost airlines fly to Alicante, plus presumably Corvera will be open before any theme park has been completed. We live in Murcia region, although a long way from any of the places mentioned as possible sites. I am in favour of anything that brings investment to the area, and I am sure John's grandsons would enjoy visiting the park when it's open (assuming that this happens before they are adults!)
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
I agree with Sue, anything which brings jobs and visitors to the area is to be welcomed.
I think it will have an effect on a very wide area as many people will want to visit a large theme park but not actually stay onsite - perhaps finding accommodation closer to the beach or a city so the ripples should spread out quite far. There is so much accommodation in the wider area for rent or purchase that it might just breathe some new life into the whole of Murcia and southern Costa Blanca. There would also be knock-on benefits for all the local businesses which are struggling at the moment.
Regarding airlines, I doubt very much any of the bargain carriers would ignore a large influx of new customers - they will respond to the extra demand, regardless of their opinion of the airport charging systems!
I for one hope it happens, and happens before my 4yr old grandson is too old to enjoy it!
_______________________ Claire
If it happens then I say "Yippee"!!
The estimated visitor rates, if they happen, will I would imagine make our investments in Murcia worthwhile. The ripple effect of something like this has to have great potential for tourism as a whole as well as increasing the visibility of the area to Europe and beyond (and I understand the Chinese have a great interest in building a Technology Park at Lorca). I would imagine that certain MD's of some of the low cost airlines will indeed be queuing up to ensure their slots at Corvera and San Javier. But I suppose we have to remember that we are only at the very beginning of this possible project so may have to contain ourselves for a couple or so years whilst it gets built (on whatever plot of land is deemed suitable). I just want it all to happen before I get too old to enjoy it all. I am looking forward to seeing the plans unfold over the next few months with my "Fingers Crossed"!
Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at
Paramount Park and Lifestyle Center took a few steps forward yesterday as the plan was unveiled in madrid.
It was then sent out by many press outlets, some wrongfully stating that Paramount were to pay for the 1100 million euros project.
In fact, the reason the unveiling took place in madrid to an invited audience was to look for investors to actually pay for this huge plan.
Even so, the land is being cleared and the first building steps are said to begin in Spring 2012 and be completed for Easter 2015 so that should put a smile on many people's faces as the increased visitor numbers can only bring an improvement to the local economy.
The only downside is the huge car numbers estimated to want to visit the site each day but hopefully most of that will be along the main motorways and not unduly affect local towns accept when the visitor wishes to explore and enjoy local hospitality, whish will be a good thing.
It should offer a few thousand work opportunities too which will be warmly welcomed by many.
Nick (Murcia resident)
Have look at this link for news / updates and opinions:
_______________________ Regards
Regarding the airport, i have heard Ryan air are moving a lot of their flights to Corvera in anticipation.
This message was last edited by georgia on 05/10/2011.
still here after all these years!
the presentation..........
still here after all these years!
All you can say is that it looks very progressive and will have a long term major impact on the area
it is of course the early stages and the planning now is for demand after the recession but for anyone who owns a property in the vicinity it can only be positive for future value
but do not get too excited too soon as this is a long term project which will probably not get out of the ground until circa post 2015