Goodstich44 -Now, if the crocodile had still been alive I would've paid good money to see that !
Just got back here in Lincolnshire after a way too short stay over in Valencia. Flight back was delayed by early morning ice/snow at Stanstead, and then we had a not very pleasant drive up through the snow this evening.
It's still very sad to read about the problems people have with property purchases that go badly wrong--including getting done up like a kipper by their own lawyers. It must put them off ever buying a spanish property again.
We got lightly done over in Albox ( there's a song waiting to be written there) some 6 years ago now and the experience did put us off going after another property for a while. But we did lots of research via forums/websites etc. and found a lawyer that we felt was o.k to work with-and a decent real estate company- result-happiness in our little house in Valencia--just wish we could spend more time there.
Heating has just gone off-so time to head for the duvet, then get up early to clear the snow off the driveway.