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05 Jan 2011 12:00 AM by Jessicabernice Star rating in Douglas, Isle of Man. 3 posts Send private message


Hello, I'm new to this, but my family and I are hoping to move to Spain in the next few months.
We are currently living in the Isle of Man and my step-dad has just received a job offer in Gibraltar and we are looking to rent somewhere in Sotogrande, or anywhere near there.
Also as I am 16 years old, we are curious about education there? I am doing my A Levels at the moment, but are wondering if there's any chance I can do anything over in Spain, or if it's fairly easy for a job?


If anyone has any information, please contact me! :)



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06 Jan 2011 12:19 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

Jessica stay away from Real Estate jobs it has a very bad reputation though at your age thats not appropriate anyway my advice learn as much of the Lingo as you can before and during your stay this will help in any vocation you choose a housemaid is always a start all those second homes need cleaning

I hope sincerely you and your family do well out there

Reagrds Rod


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06 Jan 2011 2:29 PM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar

Jessica, if you're 16, I guess you are doing AS.  Going to Spain in the next few months would be the worst thing you could possibly do educationally unless you are going to go to one of the English language international schools which cost a small fortune.  If your stepdad can afford it, then great.  You can do AS and A2 out there. 

But if you are going out in the next few months looking to get into the Spanish state school system,  you are writing off two years of your life.  You will miss out on getting your AS and be too late to benefit from the Spanish school system this academic year.  So next year you will start the bachillerato and you will struggle with the language.  So you may well be asked to repeat the first year and take three years to do the two year course.  And bachillerato isn't like AS and A2 where you pick your favourite subjects.  I'm not sure of the exact details but about six to eight subjects are compulsory including maths and language and you have to do a few more from a list of options.  And you have to pass them all to get the bachillerato. 

So my advice is either stay in the UK and get your A2s or look at education in Gib - which would mean your folks renting there. 






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07 Jan 2011 1:52 PM by noddy Star rating. 150 posts Send private message

A good area to rent is Manilva,Duquesa, Sabinilles,casares costa area, about 25mins drive from Gib. rental costs are very good at the moment as there arte lots of choice, and a big ex pat community.


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11 Jan 2011 8:59 PM by Jessicabernice Star rating in Douglas, Isle of Man. 3 posts Send private message

 Thank you guys for your help!

We are looking in those areas for a place to rent, and we are taking into consideration about the international school, if all else fails, I can do a course at the Gibraltar College, (Either Business or Accounting).
At the moment, we are trying to find people to be in contact with, to get an idea about the place, and also a few people I could be in contact with who goes to schools in the area, or people the same age as me. If you could help, that would be brilliant! :)


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