David Lidington and Diego Lopez Garrido, Ministers for Europe

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11 Jan 2011 12:00 AM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

11 Jan 2011 4:16 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Diego Lopez Garrido - Spanish Europe Minister says:

"We have a special relationship with the UK which is probably the country with the largest share of Spanish foreign investment. Spain is the country most visited by British tourists. In other words, there is a very close relationship at government level but also between the British and Spanish peoples"

The UK may be the country with the largest share of Spanish foreign investment - BUT more importantly it is probably the country with the largest share of consumers who have been ripped off and cheated out of their life savings by corrupt Spanish developers and negligent banks and lawyers.

David Lidlington needs to address these very serious issues at his next Breakfast Meeting with Diego Lopez Garrido.  Mr Garrido must then ensure that his governement addresses all Spanish real estate and Bank Guarantee abuses as a matter of urgency.

In the European Parliament in July 2010 Mr Zapatero said:

"My country is based on the rule of law and it respects and ensures that laws are respected.  The courts are responsible for the application of law.  WE STAND SHOULDER TO SHOULDER WITH THOSE PEOPLE WHO, MAYBE, HAVE HAD THE WOOL PULLED OVER THEIR EYES IN THE PROPERTY SECTOR"

Please Mr Lidlington, ask Mr Garrido - what has Mr Zapatero done in the last 6 months to prove that he really does stand 'shoulder to shoulder' with us?

It is a national disgrace for Spain to continue to do nothing.

Kind regards



This message was last edited by Keith110 on 11/01/2011.


LEY 57/1968



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11 Jan 2011 5:53 PM by Sparky Star rating in Somerset and Vera. 127 posts Send private message

Well done Keith.  Brilliant response - Let's hope they take note.

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12 Jan 2011 9:48 AM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message


More from one horse’s mouth …
David Lidington’s Blog: Beating the drum for British business

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12 Jan 2011 10:36 AM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

I posted my previous response regarding Diego Lopez Garrido on Mr Lidington's blog.

Today I have posted the following response to his video blog - BEATING THE DRUM FOR BRITISH BUSINESS:

Mr Lidington

I have listened to your video blog - Beating the drum for British business. Spain's economy may have grown in the last few decades, but much of that recent 'growth' has been at the expense of victims like me who have had our hard earned money 'stolen' by corrupt developers and negligent Banks - in my case - CAJA DE AHORROS DEL MEDITERRANEO (CAM BANK).

May I suggest that you start 'BEATING THE DRUM' with Mr Zapatero and ensure that his Government and the BANCO DE ESPAÑA act immediately to put an end to the Bank Guarantee abuse that is being suffered by thousands of innocent property purchasers in Spain.

To gain an understanding of the seriousness of the situation please take a look at my websites:




Kind regards



LEY 57/1968



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12 Jan 2011 4:41 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Thank you Ruth for identifying this.

I have just posted the following on Mr Lidington's blog


" I have to agree with Keith and support his petition wholeheartedly. For many years now we have witnessed all manner of real estate, bank and legal abuse in Spain, from


  • Developers who have significantly reneged on their contracts
  • Lawyers who have failed in their responsibilities to ensure details relating to Bank Guarantees were correctly identified within off plan purchase contracts, (according to law 57/68, introduced to protect the consumer)
  • Banks who have refused to provide or honour Bank Guarantees
  • Significant delays within the justice administration system which have compromised the application of law (clients win their first instance cases but the developer appeals and major judicial delays result in clients stuck in the system for years while they await a judicial resolution or the issue of preliminary enforcement orders, and in the interim the purchaser runs the significant  risk of the developer either asset stripping or going into administration/ declaring insolvency).
  • Corruption where developers worked hand in hand with lawyers to the detriment of the purchaser, or town hall officials in league with developers who ignored higher planning regulations and compromised those who had their homes subsequently declared illegal, (even though they went through all the correct procedures). Innocent home owners like the Priors have been treated as pawns between warring factions of regional and local politicians with no compensation structure in place. And how many more live under this threat of demolition?


 And so it goes on….


When petitioners organised themselves and provided evidence to substantiate their claims via valid petitions to the EU and their government, they were informed that



The Commission's comments


Under the Treaty establishing the European Community and the Treaty on European Union, the Commission does not have any general powers to intervene in individual cases relating to problems of general administration of justice, inefficiency of the judicial system and particular issues such as described in the petition, unless there is a link to Community law.


As Community law stands at present, there is no EC legislation regulating the legal requirements relating to the granting of licences to build or the respective remedies against national authorities in case of misuse of public powers. Nor is there Community law concerning the purchase of private property, different from time-share (Directive 94//47/EC),


the recovery of bank deposits, the remedies against building contractors in breach of contract, or the length of national court proceedings. Such issues are regulated by national law.





In the absence of an infringement of EC law, the European Commission has no competence to intervene. The petitioner should continue to seek redress through the competent judicial authorities in Spain invoking the non respect of Article 6 of the ECHR. “



The key wording here is competent judicial authorities.

Well I would like to ask, what action can the EU take if a member state’s judicial authorities have been proven to be incompetent, as is the obvious case in Spain?


As things stand now the Spanish justice system is compromising thousands of British EU citizens by their failure to provide any form of timescale constraints on legal processes, and they are therefore failing in their duty to ensure that the laws of the land are correctly administered.


Just how bad do things have to get before the EU parliament wakes up to the devastating effects of all too many innocent people’s life savings being compromised, or their homes being demolished while political games are being played out and/or a government refuses to recognise the major deficiencies and incompetence that is crippling their justice system, not to mention the abusive tactics of the Banks .



Surely this has to be brought to the attention of our new leaders and EU MEPs immediately. We cannot afford to await Spanish internal reform, as the timescales to Spain's self correction will prove far too late for many caught up in this nightmare scenario. We should be pushing, no I will rephrase that, we should be demanding that a compensation fund (taken from Spain’s EU allocation as Margrete Auken has proposed in her report) be made immediately available until such time as these abuses are addressed by the Spanish government and their legal fraternity.


If you need any further evidence may I suggest you read the following blog


Please Mr Lidington will you do all that you can to address these injustices that are affecting so many innocent people’s lives."


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13 Jan 2011 10:19 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

To me this is a critical point relating to the Auken report and as such we should be pushing for action to be followed through:

Taken from the blog http://corruptioninspain.blogspot.com/2009/12/spanish-property-scandal.html

"The report is highly critical of Spain, and suggests withholding a sum of money from Spain’s EU grants (billions of euros), until such time as the problems are solved. A vote for this action was due to be held in the EU Parliament on 26th October, however the amendment was never voted on due to some obscure technicality which only applies to budget-votes. The technicality is that you cannot have a vote where you increase the budget line. This amendment did not increase the budget, it only stated that the money for that part of Spain should be frozen as agreed by Parliament in the Auken-report, so it would seem that the decision to disallow a vote may have been politically motivated. The Green MEP Margrete Auken has apparently submitted a complaint, but unfortunately the vote is now closed and the chances of retabling the amendment in December to the vote on the actual budget are slim. However, it may be that this issue can be re-opened as part of the budget discussions required by the Lisbon Treaty. "

So I have put this to Mr David Lidington Minister for Europe on his blog http://blogs.fco.gov.uk/roller/lidington/entry/my_first_two_weeks_as#comment-form

 Perhaps others could do likewise and post their comments according to their own circumstance? We need to do all we can to lift the profile of these issues, so surely it's imperative that as many as possible make their comments known to the Minister of Europe.

Likewise those who support Keith's petition should confirm their support, as Keith has posted on Mr Lidington's blog also.

Please, as Ruth has identified, let's make our voices heard.

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