How are things on the Canary Islands?

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23 Jan 2011 12:00 AM by meggie Star rating in England. 114 posts Send private message

After the unexpectedly cold weather we experienced during the 5 months we spent in Almoradi last winter, we have decided to try next winter on one of the Canary Islands.  Problem is, although we have visited many different locations on mainland Spain, we have never actually been to the Canary Islands.  So, we are looking to spend a fortnight on Tenerife as soon as possible with a view to visiting other islands whilst we're there. BUT, extensive research on all the usual sites has shown that all the smaller, cheaper rental places are booked up until at least March (alot of them until April).  Is there anyone on this site that has or knows of a studio/1-bed place to rent on Tenerife for a couple of weeks from the end of January/beginning of February?

Also, does anyone know what the ecconomic situation is like on the Canary Islands?  Are they having as hard a time there as mainland Spain?  From what we can make out, if we bought a small place there rather than on mainland Spain, we wouldn't have any trouble renting it out....but maybe this is just the case for the winter months when we would be there ourselves!  Has anyone ever taken the ferry from mainland Spain to Tenerife?  It appears to be very expensive and takes a long time...nearly two days!  I'm not too keen on flying.

Any ideas or advice would be great, thanks. Or is there anywhere on mainland Spain that really does have reasonably warm, sunny winters?!




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