German TV

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10 Feb 2011 12:00 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Can any of the TV experts advise on German TV please? I have been told a Spanish box and just moving the dish will be enough to receive German TV, but I'm thinking that a German box will be needed too but then again I know n-o-t-h-i-n-g....... Any advice would be much appreciated.




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11 Feb 2011 10:34 AM by Cove Robert Star rating. 214 posts Send private message


Can't say I am an expert but I receive both Sky and German television. As far as I can tell moving the dish seems to be impractical since it has to be aligned spot on each time which I believe can be a pain in the behind. I think there might me a gadget which moves the dish but am not sure about it. I got a dish and receiver each for Sky and German television.

As far as I know any receiver should be able to pick up the signals. I picked mine of the shelf here in Ireland, nothing specific German about it. Cost about 50 Euro.

So, if it is a matter of aligning the dish once to receive German television I think that should not be a problem with your receiver as long as it is compatible re analog/digital. If you wish to receive English or Spanish TV as well you might want to go with an extra set but I am open to corrections, this is just my personal experience.

My dish here in Ireland is about 80cm across and works like a treat.

I hope this will help.

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