The Comments |
Because of translation problems, especially at the health centre, it might be a good idea to identify your problem in writing; Google translate, print and proffer to Sr. Medico. I know there is the problem of understanding his reply. But, the important thing is to explain your ailment. Surely it would help both the patient and the doctor?
Debido a problemas de traducción, especialmente en el centro de salud, podría ser una buena idea para identificar su problema por escrito; Google traducir, imprimir y ofrecer al Sr. Médico. Sé que hay es el problema de entender su respuesta. Pero, lo importante es explicar su dolencia. Seguramente ayudaría tanto para el paciente y el médico.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Hi Mike - if I have a new ailment then I always prepare a little speech using one of the free translation sites and write it down. However, my spanish is quite good now so I know that I can understand the answer, usually! I really don't agree that the important bit is for the doctor to understand - if you can't understand what they tell you, that can be just as dangerous!
Better to pay for a translator if you can't understand what they are saying.
Having said that, as you will know Mike, most of the doctors at our local medical centre are Russian and speak perfect English!!
_______________________ Claire
Fair point, Claire .... just thought it might be an idea that could help, even if in a small way. Such are the advances in technology that I think we will soon see a better arrangement. Each will wear a head piece and chat as normal. The doctor's Spanish will be immediately translated into whatever language suits his patient and vice versa. I believe it is already available. I suppose it is a matter of cost. I don't think there'll be any necessity to learn the languages of others soon. It will be something you do only if you like a challenge.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
The Telefonicas engineer did exactly the same when installing my internet and phone line. Made it a lot easier .
The Babel fish! Douglas Adams sadly did not live to see his imagination turn to reality. I wonder what it will be next. Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters down at the local cafe? Vogon poetry recitals for vicitms of extraordinary rendition?

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
You now what they say Roberto:
"Never drink more then two Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters unless you are a uchturan mega-elephant with bronchial pneumonia!"
Modern technology is a wonderful thing, and I wonder how long it will be until we have subcutaneous Universal Language Translators (Star Trek).
I must admit the Google Language Translation services is getting very good, although it can be a pain in the 'arris to integrate them seamlessly into a website - trust me - I know!!! 
Mike's idea is very good, and you can always ask the Doctor (who is probably from Zimbabwe) to write down the instructions for any pills and tonics that you might receive, and then use Google Translate to translate the Doctor's instructions, and the instructions that came with your drugs!
Mind you, crying out in agony and pointing to your foot, which you earlier dropped a large and heavy blunt object onto, because the dog ran under your feet as you came in the door, is also pretty universal!!! - again, trust me, I know!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
From my own experience of using Google to translate, it is not infallible. You need to know enough Spanish to realise when its translation is wrong! I remember using the word "bill" in something that I wanted translated, and Google used "proyecto de ley" when I actually meant "factura". If I hadn't known the correct word, and had just copied the translation, it wouldn't have made sense!
We are lucky, as our doctor speaks very good English, although (also luckily!) we have never needed to use his servicies and only know him socially, as we go sometimes for a coffee in a bar next to the Centro de Salud which he frequents.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
I am in agreement, Sue. I am well used to writing to those for whom English is not a first language and write accordingly. I write with a simple precision and I certainly avoid words like 'aren't you' and worra ya know, mate, I slipped up, bottoms up; how's yer belly for spots and suchlike. I write (if you will excuse the analogy) as I might speak to a half wit; clearly and concisely.
I often wonder if 'foreigners' are as amused by our slip ups. My Baltic lady often says; 'The farmer who shot two rabbits with one gun' when she means killing two birds with one stone. I recall a German friend putting the words, 'Please turn around' on the bottom of his letter. We were in stitches when we realised he meant PTO. Another German friend wanted us to go to the Pluff. He meant, of course, the Plough (pub).

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details