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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Russian - English Translations: Journalism, business copywriting and ghostwriting

Vivo en... Torrevieja

Me gusta... quality music; writing, current affairs, a good lifestyle

Trabajo de... Russian - English Copy Translations and Copywriting / Ghostwriting

Mi firma en el foro es...

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com for details


mike_walsh's latest forum comments

06 Jun 2015 10:34 PM:

Thank you, those EYE on Spain forum users whose encouragement inspired me to complete the Toni Muldoon odyssey of Costa del Sol crime. This expose, The Dream Snatch by Michael Walsh, is now on Amazon and will be widely publicised in conventional and online news media. Many of you know Muldoon, still in prison as far as I am aware, personally. Your comments have been invaluable in assisting my enthusiasm. Thank you so much. ~ Mike

Thread: Toni Muldoon

14 May 2014 9:13 PM:

I still have the photographs. When this project was at its early stages and I was running my UK based Homes Abroad business. The developers offered me and my two very attractive showroom staff an all expenses paid 3-day visit.

We had a lovely three bed apartment with all mod-cons including jacuzzi. What a wonderful time was had. They were heady days when Spain, to everyone, was a property Klondike but with a far nicer climate than Alaska.

Thread: Another one bites the dust

14 May 2014 9:07 PM:

I was told my Ford Mondeo's cam-belt was on its way out. I was assured that it was best to simultaneously change the water pump and quoted just short of €400.

I called another garage and was quoted 5 hours at €30 per hour plus €150 for the cam-belt kit. It was not necessary to change the water pump.

I called a 'local hero'; a fully qualified main dealer mechanic for umpteen years. I had thought he had retired. “Bring it in, he said. I will need only change the cam-belt,” which he did. Afterwards, he told me doing so was a piece of cake and he had it finished in no time at all. Cost: €120.

Reminds me of the Henry Ford observation. “If you think a professional is expensive wait until you try an amateur.”


13 May 2014 5:31 PM:

 "Television lies. All television lies. It lies persistently, instinctively and by habit. Everyone involved lies. A culture of mendacity surrounds the medium and those who work there live it, breathe it and prosper by it. I know of no area of public life - no, not even politics - more saturated by a professional cynicism. If you want a word that takes you to the core of it, I would offer 'rigged'. ......... is it dishonest for the presenter to imply that the pundit in the chair is free to offer any opinion, when the truth is that 50 pundits were telephoned but only the fellow prepared to offer the requisite opinion was invited?" - Matthew Pariss. British Press Awards Columnist of the Year. Daily Mail, 21st April 1996

Thread: Anti EU political party in Spain.

13 May 2014 4:34 PM:

As Mark Twain surmised: “If voting changed anything they wouldn’t allow it.” The system has been tweaked against the interests of the electorate. These elections are theatre. Since joining the EU, one million Bulgarians have been driven from their homeland by austerity.

Much the same the Baltic States. In Greece, pregnant women give birth on hospital steps, men are publicly self immolating. It was recently (obscurely) reported that so far 500 male suicides in Greece can be attributed to bank-imposed austerity. Every weekend, massive riots and demos taking place in Europe… 49 in Spain in ONE weekend. The press is not telling you this.

EU has $11.6 TRILLION of debt (92% of GDP). EU has unemployment of 12.5%
EU potential for social unrest is world's highest. About 120 million live in poverty in the EU.

Twenty-seven unelected commissioners make the European Union’s important decisions. Jose Manuel Barroso is the unelected President of the European Commission.

He loftily declares that ‘nation states are dangerous if they are excessively democratic.’ The president of the European Council is unelected Herman van Rompuy. Everyone in Brussels and Strasburg knows that if the European Union (EU) applied to join itself it would be turned down flat because of it being undemocratic. I Quote: - Why is the EU trying to recreate the USSR? - Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. 

Thread: Anti EU political party in Spain.


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"On Thursday each week my column appears in the Euro Weekly News. My opinion is just that, an opinion. Feel free to put your oar in but in a constructive way if you please. Thanks so much. - Michael "
Last Updated: 5/15/2014 8:13:36 AM
Lifetime Views: 127702

"This blog seeks to inform and amuse with news and views, information and advice for those with writing as an interest. Feel free to write to me direct. "
Last Updated: 5/13/2014 8:19:22 AM
Lifetime Views: 209539

"Poetry content is the work and copyright of Michael Walsh. It is hoped that those who find my poetry to their taste will purchase the online anthology of nearly 100 poems, Diamonds Last Forever. "
Last Updated: 5/18/2014 9:00:35 PM
Lifetime Views: 180989

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