Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I accompany the most interesting people as they make their way through life. Sharing their experiences, I suffer their hardships and I dream their dreams. When things go right, as they sometimes will, we clink glasses together.
Imagine being a true friend of a mother of children who, suffering a paedophile husband, spends her time trying to keep one step ahead of Social Services. She dreads their rapping at the door and her children being taken into care.
I have accompanied crayfish fishermen and deep sea divers as they go about their nail-biting careers off South Africa's Pacific coastlines. When a boy born in a thatched cottaged in the South Sea Islands set out on an odyssey to reach England guess who was with him? Me of course.
I was the fly on the wall as innocent Africans were duped by missionaries, I was the sleuth in the exposure of a Costa del Sol killer. Who am I? I joined my army mates as they set sail for the Indian Raj and later fought their way with huge losses through the Khyber Pass. It was me who lay terrorised at night in my dormitory waiting for the priest to come and tug at my bed sheet.
I am of course a ghost-writer and believe it or not these stories are all true. The Costa Communities are home to people, many of whom have led the most fascinating lives. So many have gone through hell and they all have stories to tell. This is what I do. I help to share their experiences with a new emerging world that is woefully ignorant of such colourful lives.
I receive many enquiries. Yesterday alone I either answered the phone or emails to three people. A retired lady whose Communist partisan husband had committed crimes that would make Satan himself screw his eyes up in horror. A gentleman who eavesdropped the Great Baker Street Robbery; an African explorer who had survived a life with despots and a colourful tapestry of jungle brigands.
Not all get past the dream to write their story, which is a pity. Some writers lack the commitment or modest investment needed to bring their story to retail standards. I can help with the first, family can often help with the second.
Yes, mine is an interesting life; I love it but sometimes I do wish that I could settle into a gripping erotic novel or a light-hearted vignette or humorous novelette for a change from the murder and the mayhem.
Michael Walsh. Professional Writing Services for New Authors.
W. www.keyboardcosmetics.com
E. keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com
T. 966 786 932
M. 662 067 490
Published at 10:19 AM Comments (0)
Sunday, May 11, 2014

As with much else, websites', need need freshening up from time to time. I do so often but on this occasion it occurred to me that the previous michaelwalsh.es website had run its course. It has served me and my clients well.
Moving forward, I wanted a fuss free online information presence that is informative. I am pleased with the new website but the proof of the pudding is of course in the eating. Feel free to click the 'f' (face book) icon at the top right-hand corner of the website if this may be of interest to you.
Cordially yours,
Michael (Walsh)
Published at 2:50 PM Comments (1)
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Michael Walsh
My new series of quarter-page writer invitations in Euro Weekly News prove to be the most successful so far. It is wonderful to hear from so many people inspired to set their life stories down.
Whilst talking things through with a lady who has been encouraged by her family to tell her story I had a bright idea. If you or someone close to you has a fascinating life story or experience to share then why not help them to do so.
I don't mean simply by encouraging them or recommending me: I mean by helping their relative or friend with the modest ghost-writing fees.
If your loved one is going to set down and do the writing then it is only fair that family and friends between them assist with the fees of those who bring their story to an international audience.
My ghost-writing and editing fees, with much else besides, are just €20 per 1,000 words. Your book or your friend's life story will be completed in paid 10k word sections. This allows you to budget. In this way you will be part of their story too. Cordially yours. Michael (Walsh).

T: 966 786 932
M: 662 067 490
E: keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com
Published at 9:03 PM Comments (0)
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Published at 11:10 AM Comments (0)
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Published at 11:45 AM Comments (0)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

For the first time in history it is easy to record a life story or family history without the need to seek a publisher or to self-publish.
Imagine how fascinating if a forebear had been able to set out their personal story for you and your family to read. A growing trend is to set your story out so that future generations can enjoy your life story.
There is no more colourful history than that of the British peoples. Don’t think your story is uninteresting? Remember, this last 60-year period has seen more change than has any previous 200 year epoch. Everything you take for granted will fascinate future generations.
Furthermore, future social diarists will find your story important as a reference source. To future generations your account of life between 1940 and 2000 could be the most exciting story ever told.
In the past such biographies could be written and published only by the elite. Ordinary people, although many lived more interesting lives than did the elite, had neither the money nor the means to do so. Forgive the choice of words that is now all in the past.
It is not necessary to publish your story in book form or online (Amazon-Kindle) unless you wish to. Once your story is written it will be stored on your laptop, disc or memory stick. Easier than posting a postcard it can be sent to whoever you wish. Who knows, perhaps a member of your family inspired by you will go that extra mile and publish your story in conventional form.
What causes you to hesitate? Not being a natural writer or not sure how to make a start? I can help you. If you are thinking of making a start I provide you with a tips sheet. Once you start writing I use my skills to bring your story to life. By adding dialogue, atmosphere, narrative, flair and flow I can double or even treble the size of anything you send. Your book ends up as a cracking good read skilfully presented in a page-turning way.
BETTY MUSOLE WRITES: “After reading the story, tears are rolling down my face... I cannot believe how it's turned up, you've got a good sense of writing style that entices and captures the reader. I like it 100% and I'm very much excited to work with you. Thanks again, I'm more motivated than ever before.....’ - Betty Musole. Gibraltar.
Your story can be any length you wish. It does not have to be paperback (75k) words. It gets better; the ghost-writing / editing is affordable. My fees are a mere €20 per 1,000 words. Much less than the industry average. I have no overheads and I am not totally dependent upon ghost-writing, which I love, for my income.
Why not take advantage of this opportunity. If not you - who? If not now - when.
Michael Walsh Ghost-Writing
Telephone 966 786 932
Mobile 662 067 490
Email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com
Published at 10:24 AM Comments (0)
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Record your life story or family history for future generations.
Free Advice and Tips
Images Optional
No Publishing Fees
Free Publishing via the Internet
Professionally edited and enhanced by professional writer
discretion assured
Michael Walsh Editing and Ghost-Writing
Telephone 966 786 932
Mobile 662 067 490
Email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com
Website www.michaelwalsh.es
Published at 11:17 AM Comments (0)
Friday, April 18, 2014

If your career or lifestyle has given you experience likely to be of use to others why not sell it. If you are experienced in car sales, insurance, travel, entertainment or leisure industries, then selling your expertise could boost your income. Perhaps you are good at gardening, being self-sufficient. Are you a healthcare professional, working with charities?
Many people have been successful in selling. Perhaps real estate, a retired policeman (or burglar) who can offer advice on protecting homes and businesses. If so there will be newcomers and entrepreneurs who will pay to tap into your knowledge.
It isn’t practical to speak at training courses but those who do so are well paid. However, there is no reason why your valuable information, tips and experiences cannot be profitably published and sold worldwide.
If your training booklet is filled with hints, tips, experiences and advice then many people will value drawing on your expertise. Size doesn’t matter. Customers are not buying a book, they are buying information. I have seen 32-page and 48-page specialist information books selling for up to €20 each.
If your writing lets you down don’t worry. I am here to help. The improvement will give your booklet retail appeal. All you need do is write your booklet and not worry about the quality of your writing; that is my job.
As soon as you are done I will take a look at it. It may need fleshing out; it will likely need better presentation. I will assess and for a modest fee, if acceptable, will use my marketing and writing skills to bring your book up to retail standards.
You can estimate the price yourself; my fees are €20 per 1,000 words. If you wish it to be published you can self publish or publish online; Amazon-Kindle. This option is chargeable.
Remember, we do not want War and Peace. We are looking for between 10,000 - 20,000 words. Good wishes. You can contact me as and when you wish:
Telephone 966 786 932
Mobile 662 067 490
Email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com
Website www.keyboardcosmetics.com
Skype michael.walsh2088

Published at 2:41 PM Comments (0)
Friday, April 11, 2014

Yesterday I had a call from an 88-year old gentleman. Born in Poland in 1925 he was 14-years old when Poland and Germany, then Britain and France became embroiled in another mutually destructive war.
Like another ghost-writing client, Dieter, born 1938 in Hamburg, there could be better places to spend one’s childhood than pre-war Poland. Imagine the story my latest caller has to tell.
What I do find remarkable is that at 88-years of age this Nerja resident was as bright as a soldier’s button. Returning to England for the summer, he promised he would have his book well under way by October when he returns.
The cynic might say that at that age you don’t buy green bananas. Try telling that to this gentleman… or this…
A year or so ago I was called by a gentleman who lives in Calpe. During our animated telephone conversation I discovered he was 86-years old. He told me that he keeps busy looking after a golf club and tending to neighbours gardens. Tongue in cheek I suggested that it was time he thought about retiring.
“Retire,” he laughed. “I can’t do that. I have a wife and 14-year old daughter to look after.”
The first ghost-writing assignment I ever took on was for an 82-year old lady. She wrote to get her life experiences off her chest. Yet occasionally I get a person half their age who say, ‘I have left it too late.’
If you know someone who has a story to tell why not put them in touch with me. There is no law that dictates a book’s length. Whilst most paperbacks are about 70,000 words in content, there are many novelettes, what I call ‘bus ride reads’ of 20k - 40k words.
Michael Walsh. Ghost-Writing, Book Editing. €20 per 1,000 words.
Telephone 966 786 932
Email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com
Website www.michaelwalsh.es
Published at 11:05 AM Comments (2)
Sunday, April 6, 2014

As a ghost-writer I can tell you that books are like buses. You can wait for ages and then three books come along. In fairness, work… if I can call something I enjoy doing work, is never at a standstill.
I recall an occasion a couple of years ago that made one wonder about the whims of fate. Money was going out much more quickly than it was coming in. Not a happy bunny, I was near the end of a book being worked on and there was nothing in the in-tray. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.
With two weeks to go I faced facts: I could afford the flights and hire car. I could scrape enough for the hotel but I would be as poor as a church mouse when there. Did I then pray for deliverance? Probably.
Hallelujah, over that next two weeks the orders came in. By the time I caught my flight I was working on five books. Such is life and I suppose most can identify with it.
At the moment I am re-writing / editing books for three clients. Keith Austin’s fictional novel tells of professional divers and their clients who, involved at the sharp end of ocean cable laying, are caught up in a James Bond type clandestine sting.
Tony Samson’s novel, again fictional, tells of a mysterious phenomena that affects a Cornish fishing community. Between us, Tony and I appear to have a knack for making a supernatural time-warp adventure believable.
My third client is Isabella Miram. An American lady, her bio is about the escape of two children from Germany during the collapse of the Third Reich. The gripping story is based on her family’s true experiences.
Strange as it may seem I am quite happy spending a nail biting day in a submersible on the Atlantic’s seabed. All I ask in return is that I can spend the next day avoiding the Waffen SS and on Wednesday I plan to sail the high seas on an 18th century sailing ship with ghosts.
Michael Walsh keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com
Website: www.michaelwalsh.es
Telephone 966 786 932
Published at 9:21 PM Comments (0)
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