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This blog seeks to inform and amuse with news and views, information and advice for those with writing as an interest. Feel free to write to me direct.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ghost-writer Mike Walsh is looking for readers who have haunting memories to share with others. He says most people have a story to tell but lack the confidence to set it down.

He does not believe that trivia does not sell. The greatest stories ever told, such as Dickens novels, are based on what was regarded at the time as trivia. Television soaps are captivating because we identify with the drama of everyday lives.

Mike’s clients are mostly bios. One relates the account of a woman who, married to a paedophile, keeps one step ahead of society to protect her kids from being placed in care.

The ghost-writer with a way with words says 40 percent of books, 80 percent of celebrity bios are ghosted. Most household name authors, such as Sir Jeffrey Archer and Wilbur Smith, engage ghosts to develop their book from a provided synopsis.

Inviting readers to send a summary of their bio or storyline, he says, finding out if it has promise is often inspirational and costs nothing.

Raunchy fiction dubbed mummy-porn is very popular because it can be downloaded onto an e-reader without the embarrassment of presenting it at the checkout.

His only misgiving is that most fiction sold as adult is written in a juvenile way or uses the shock factor to sell. He believes that raunchy romance can be written with finesse without losing its adult bawdiness. “If humour is part of the plot, he says, anything goes.”

According to a Sun survey, sales of erotic novels have increased by 30 percent. John Locke, a 60-year old American in 2011 was the first to sell over a million online copies of his book. This is already small beer compared to EL James Fifty Shades of Grey. Her fictional novel based on a casual encounter when man meets student has sold millions.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

A cynic asks a newspaper columnist if aspiring authors actually make money from selling their books. They do and the chances of recouping their outlay are far higher than returns offered by many other investments.

There are no guarantees that a book, film or television series will be successful. Like new fashions or newspapers they are acts of faith. Wilbur Smith and Jeffrey Archer cross their fingers when their latest title rolls off the printing press.

Amazon-Kindle and e-books have provided a level playing field. New authors, who in the past would have received wads of rejection slips now collect wads of banknotes whilst well-known authors fail.

Most people spend on indulgences like photography, painting, learning a language, horse riding; taking on a pet for life. Do cynics ask: “Do you actually make money from that?”

Of course not but writing a book costs considerably less. It is a feat, most authors recover their outlay and many do well out of their book’s success. When introduced as an author there is always the Wow Factor response. Tell them instead you just spent time and money on a skiing holiday and watch eyes glaze over.

Most authors are philosophical. If their only reason for writing was to make money you can guarantee two things. They would never get round to it and if they did it would fail. Good books are written with passion. If it were otherwise it would be as fruitless as attempting to sell a product you don’t understand or have a belief in.

Writing a book, painting a picture or creating a sculpture are triumphs that bring out the best in us. Such achievements are therapeutic and nothing quite matches the feeling you get when you see your accomplishment in its completed form.

When you spend money on a sport or holiday all you have to show for it are photographs and memories. An expensive piece of jewellery is someone else’s gift, not yours. These are personal indulgences. The author, sculptor or artist share their achievements with others. Their works are enduring.

Today we get pleasure from books, movies and we enjoy listening to beautiful music; we marvel at works of art that were created by paupers who, at the time, laboured under passionate self belief.

Yesterday’s libraries and art galleries are stuffed with biographies and pictures of famous but boring people. Because of advances in publishing, posterity can now look forward to sharing the lives of today’s not so famous but who lived far more interesting lives.

Imagine if today we could read first hand accounts of servants who lived ‘under the stairs’ of stately homes, travellers who journeyed steerage, soldiers who served in the Peninsular Wars. This is the legacy that today’s authors leave to the world. What will you leave to posterity?

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