If your career or lifestyle has given you experience likely to be of use to others why not sell it. If you are experienced in car sales, insurance, travel, entertainment or leisure industries, then selling your expertise could boost your income. Perhaps you are good at gardening, being self-sufficient. Are you a healthcare professional, working with charities?
Many people have been successful in selling. Perhaps real estate, a retired policeman (or burglar) who can offer advice on protecting homes and businesses. If so there will be newcomers and entrepreneurs who will pay to tap into your knowledge.
It isn’t practical to speak at training courses but those who do so are well paid. However, there is no reason why your valuable information, tips and experiences cannot be profitably published and sold worldwide.
If your training booklet is filled with hints, tips, experiences and advice then many people will value drawing on your expertise. Size doesn’t matter. Customers are not buying a book, they are buying information. I have seen 32-page and 48-page specialist information books selling for up to €20 each.
If your writing lets you down don’t worry. I am here to help. The improvement will give your booklet retail appeal. All you need do is write your booklet and not worry about the quality of your writing; that is my job.
As soon as you are done I will take a look at it. It may need fleshing out; it will likely need better presentation. I will assess and for a modest fee, if acceptable, will use my marketing and writing skills to bring your book up to retail standards.
You can estimate the price yourself; my fees are €20 per 1,000 words. If you wish it to be published you can self publish or publish online; Amazon-Kindle. This option is chargeable.
Remember, we do not want War and Peace. We are looking for between 10,000 - 20,000 words. Good wishes. You can contact me as and when you wish:
Telephone 966 786 932
Mobile 662 067 490
Email keyboardcosmetics@gmail.com
Website www.keyboardcosmetics.com
Skype michael.walsh2088