Sunday, October 6, 2013 @ 10:32 AM

If your writing leaves a little to be desired you are hardly alone. Many of the world’s most successful writers and authors are poorly skilled at the art. Their success is much more likely to be based on their imaginative storylines than their ability to write well. For this reason as many as 40 per cent of writers, including famous ones like Stephen King and Jeffery Archer use ghost-writers.
What thousands of imaginative and inspired writers, many of them novices do is set out their story in rough form. It is then passed to the ghost-writer to bring it to retail standard. It is rather like giving someone a skeleton with the suggestion that they give it form and clothe it.
Think beyond the money your book might earn in royalties. Ponder instead the achievement of writing a book with your name on the cover. Your story may recount your life’s experiences, perhaps a family history or relate a unique experience. We all want to know about it. You can write under a pen name if you wish. Most writers do.
By writing your story you can involve future generations in your lifetime experiences. I took my seagoing experiences for granted. It was real Coral Island stuff. My sons are fascinated by my accounts of what it was like to be a sixties world-roving sailor. By the time I was twenty-one I had visited sixty countries.
If you have spent a lifetime in business you can re-live it and at the same time teach younger generations’ old tricks. As a business adviser I was constantly complimented on my business tips or when I was relating the methods used by others to achieve success. I finally sat down and poured twenty-years of business-to-business experiences, tips and business methodology into my Business Booster book. It gave me satisfaction as I know it helped many struggling businesses.
It is not true that everyone has a book in them. It is true that as many as 90 percent have a great story to tell. Your inability to write is irrelevant. Invite your ghost(writer) to partner you. You do not have to be wealthy. I have so far ghosted more than twenty novels and biographies. I get to know my writing partners. None of them were financially well placed.
The outlay is not as expensive as purchasing a top of the range digital camera. You even pay by instalments as your book progresses. However, your book will be far easier to understand than the camera and the content will be enjoyed by more people. Furthermore it will last much longer and your self-worth will be much enhanced, especially when it is known that you are an author.
Do get in touch. I am always pleased to offer free advice. My guidance is confidential and I will be candid with you as to your story potential. The only hard bit is picking up the phone or dropping me a hello-email. Michael (Walsh).