Tuesday, May 6, 2014 @ 9:03 PM
Michael Walsh
My new series of quarter-page writer invitations in Euro Weekly News prove to be the most successful so far. It is wonderful to hear from so many people inspired to set their life stories down.
Whilst talking things through with a lady who has been encouraged by her family to tell her story I had a bright idea. If you or someone close to you has a fascinating life story or experience to share then why not help them to do so.
I don't mean simply by encouraging them or recommending me: I mean by helping their relative or friend with the modest ghost-writing fees.
If your loved one is going to set down and do the writing then it is only fair that family and friends between them assist with the fees of those who bring their story to an international audience.
My ghost-writing and editing fees, with much else besides, are just €20 per 1,000 words. Your book or your friend's life story will be completed in paid 10k word sections. This allows you to budget. In this way you will be part of their story too. Cordially yours. Michael (Walsh).

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