Excuse me for a moment, a small task yet to do,
To change the date of calendar, what will I change it to?
Wrong time and place and steeped in sin,
A land for me that’s close akin,
To culture unrefined and war;
I far prefer the times before,
Of innocence now lost.
The calendar I find I’m in tells of horsemen bringing sin,
Conquest, war, famine, death; mounted they will soon begin.
Rip van Winkle fell asleep -
Awoke in future, now he weeps,
For times that passed and days misspent,
In simple life of innocence,
Those times of long ago.
Let my soul acquaint my heart with times that went before,
The heralds woke the merchants of the famine, pest and war.
In gentle age I wish to be -
When life was easy, problem free,
The simple life though shorter sweet,
When no one lied, or leaders cheat,
In better days gone by
Michael (Walsh) 30.01.2014