The Comments |
Living in Spain TV has Launched Channel 293 in the uk
Thanks for the info - now have added to my favourites button on Sky handset. 11:30pm tonight is "Learn the Lingo" - if I am still awake at that time will give it a go!!!
After tonight's epsiode of 'Learn the Lingo' and a few more episodes over the coming weeks, by the time I go out to Spain again in three weeks I will be able to say to our builder/promoter:
"Feck awf! Ya ain't havin ne mo me dosh far ye poxy ittle starage reas doon thaer reet, theas allrady beenin mean"
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
I hope it gets better. Totally un-impressed with it. Things like Four legs in spain are no use at all to you're average person. i want to know relavent things like taking my car to spain. All the forms i need. Receiving english TV in spain, finding work. Finding all the ex pat communities and general info on my move to Spain. I do not need to know about the Mod communities in Spain!  oh yes and it all seems to be about southern spain. What about catalonia? Do they think that Brits don't move there?
This message was last edited by K 5ive on 5/22/2007.This message was last edited by K 5ive on 5/23/2007.
Register on their forum or email them with your thoughts and requests they are new and will take time
K 5ive,
Hi and welcome to the forum.
I must admit the programming doesn't cover all Spain, having said that I'm sure over time it will. At the end of the day the biggest ex-pat community is in Andalucia, predominatley in the CDS and this is where they are based and broadcasting from. Fuengorila to be precise.
I must admit some programmes are not to my taste, however on the whole it's fun and informative. I'm sure that once they start to get some constructive feedback, things will imporve. In the mean time we all need to give them our support, it doesn't matter where we live, if we have a vested interest in Spain then we need to give them our supprt.
Kudos 'Living in Spain TV'
With regards to your search for the info you need, you'll find all that and more here at 'Eye on Spain' 
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
 We have'nt either but we have it in Spain mad or what. Pat
Pat and Roy
You have got sky in Spain but not here in the UK 
Hmm! That's a point - FreeSat is what I have in Spain, here in the UK I subscribe to the full package, so I can only assume it's available on FreeSat.
Can anyone confirm that they have FreeSat in Spain and are able to watch this channel?
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
K five this is from their forum
Thanks for your email.
yes we are, we have a series called fact files, these are 12 minutes long and cover everything from buying a car to burying a loved one. This series is very factual with information direct from the government!!
The series uses graphic and interviews with people who have experienced problems and giving advise. These fact files will downloadable from our website.
I have been watching "Learn the Lingo" and am totally confused as the Spanish is not the same as I have been learning. Is it a local dialect that she is speaking?
Technoape, you mention you get Freesat in Spain. How do you get this?what is the cost? and what channels do you get. Interested as we are moving to Spain in the next couple of months - Costa Blanca south.
_______________________ Howard
Sorry for the bump but I would love any of you ex-pats to explain if Malaga has it's own Spanish language.
The "Learn the Lingo" programme on Living in Spain has words and phrases I haven't heard in the Costa Blanca area and they are different to the ones taught.
When you take Spanish Language classes here in the UK you will be taught 'Classical Spanish' and not any local dialects. The language as it should be spoken, such as when someone is taught English.
The dialect varies widly from the 'City' to the 'Coast' to the ''Village'. Basically (not being snobish but this is what I have been told) it depends on your education in Spain. For example: Buena Nocho is what I would say in a cafe in Duquesa , however it would be Buena Nochos in Marbella. Also I would say: Gracia in Duquesa and Gracias in Marbella.
I'm still learing myself and have found it better to take things slow, pick up some basics as I have thus far. Then once I feel more comfitable and can hold a basic converstaion I will enrol into a Spanish Language class which I can incoporate my knowledge of the local area dialects and learn to speak Spanish the local way I need.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Thanks,Technoape, I did find this after I posted. What channels do you get, is it all the freeview ones? I assume you do not have to pay a monthly subscription, is that right?
_______________________ Howard
Thank you for the comments Techno. 
I appreciate that the lessons in the UK would be classical as opposed to slang but I thought the programme would teach a fairly correct Spanish?
My hubby has been working in Madrid for 3 months and he is amazed at the Spanish on the programme too. Madrid is pretty similar to the Costa Blanca speech.
For example. Martine always pronounces her "V"s as "V" and not "B".
Is that an Andalucian thing?
We have been learning some of the local lingo in the CB thanks to our next door neighbours and our Spanish estate agent who kindly explained to my why the telephone is answered "digame". 
Our neighbours are an old Valencian lady with her daughter and son and families all living together. I can never understand a word the old dear says yet can follw the daughter reasonably well. She is a cleaner in La Marina and is used to speaking clearly for us Brits. 
Hi Lauryc. You will find most of the Spanish lessons on TV or tape courses are proberly Madrid Spanish some say the best Spanish , but all over Spain it comes out all different sounds as you have found out ,along the coast its totally different from inland and the area we are (CDS east ) some times the v sounds like a v but mostly it sounds as a soft b it just depends who you are talking to that day ,they will also say one word instead three, they know what it means but it can be very confusing when you first hear it, we have learnt this over time, this is what they say just to confuse you , bueno they use that as good morning or just as a greeting , or even just dias , a good one is adio is used as a greeting and goodby at the same time , so at times you might think that your not really in Spain, if you spend time in one area and listen to the locals talking it does sink in in the end , Malaga does have its own dialect and its fast its like trying to understand some parts of Scotland .(no offence ) Its hard going learning Spanish and when they keep changing the sounds and words its harder , but its all good fun. Hope this explains it OK Regards Rosi n
Thanks Rosi.
So the programme is teaching local dialect? Like someone in Scotland or Bristol teaching English? Fascinating, isn't it?
In Madrid my hubby had awful problems for ages trying to work out what people were saying as they exited lifts in the offices.
Sta lo is what he heard and it turned out to be hasta luego. Apparently complete strangers say it all the time as they step out of lifts.
Nice and friendly. 
Here again Lauryc. I hope I explained ok. they also use luego in our area but thats all they say not the first part ( hasta ) we use it ourselves its just normal if leaving shops/bars even when you dont know the people , they say northern Spain have a very different Spanish in some areas but its only what we hear. did you know there is an area in northern Spain that wear kilts as part of local costume and play the bagpipes thats proberly were the Scots came from many moons ago, but I expect you already know that, its raining like hell and cold wind also it feels like winter is back.? Rosi n  wishing