Hello Both Golfers and non Golfers,
I have an offer on the table here for some one that has enough golf balls to make a fantastic investment in an elite area of Las Ramblas Golf!
It’s already an established golf course that is going to be even more sought after then ever before. Rumor has it that it’s being bought by a very wealthy golf enthusiast.
Now this can only benefit every body concerned especially the owners. Prices will jump due to supply and demand. BUT WHY WAIT TILL THEN!
What I am going to tell you now you will know in your hearts that it’s true and that you should act upon it now. Properties sales have taken a dip due to the market slowing down; every one seems to be tightening their belts for one reason or another.
Cycles come and go but with technologies getting faster, the world getting smaller and trends changing all the time, what use to take 10 years to cycle around now takes 5, and what use to take 5 years can take 6 months to a year.
So if you want to be a sheep and wait till every one else starts snapping up the bargains around then ok, but at that point you will pay more.
You know this but still you ponder. WHY? Maybe it’s because only the wealthy and rich see the opportunities, and maybe that’s why they are wealthy and rich.
I am going to be perfectly honest with you throughout this post as I have been in all my others! This news about Las Ramblas is fantastic (only a rumor granted but no smoke without fire) and it’s what I have always believed in right from the start of my purchase.
I bought it to keep for at least 15 years maybe longer purely for investment. That’s not to say prices will take a long period to accumulate, that was just my intention. I chose this carefully even though competition was hard and still believe that it was the best pick of them all.
So let’s get right down to the investment here. I due to unfortunate circumstances and an injury have not worked for the last 10 months. My funds have run out and I now need to take drastic action to survive. One of the decisions I have been forced to take is to sell my apartment on the Las Ramblas golf course.
But if there are any clever people out there that want to maybe buy into my investment in the form of shares then please think about it. I am open to all ideas if it puts immediate cash into my pocket. Look I am no fool and I also want to appeal to like minded people that can see a bargain and a know when there is a great deal on the table. Maybe there is a group of golfers reading this that are always paying to play and paying to stay.
Well why not get together and buy it between you out right, or just buy half
Possibly there is a business owner that could buy into my place and keep it occupied with guests all year round, or offer free weeks of golf and accommodation to customers as incentives or to employees as a bonus if they hit their targets. Just think outside the box and do not hesitate to contact me if you have an interest in my ideas.
I have many more but will not give them all away here. It’s a great opportunity for some one with courage and wants to get there feet on the property ladder. Use my bad fortune to make your dreams come true, it’s a truly great offer and if I have pressed any buttons that resonate with you then take some action to live your dream.
We are all a long time dead so go for it!
Take a look at this link and get a flavor for this offer that feels, and sounds great because it is.
Bye the way the free golfing lesson applies to who ever buys my place.
I hear some readers saying WOW BIG DEAL! Well you know what a freebie is a freebie and after all I am offering a sale price of 50,000 yes FIFTY THOUSAND BELOW MARKET PRICE…….Come on what more do you want! 
Best Regards
Brian 755