Hi everyone, it's my first post on this forum and I'm hoping to get some help.
My partner and I are buying a plot of land in Murcia, and having a house built.
We have worked with a lawyer and architect and got the plan of the house we want to build which is withing the allowance on the plot we are building upon.
The issue we have is that we want to locate the house within about 6 or 7 metres of a neighboring property. We have been told that officlally the limit is now 15 metres however if we have a written letter from the neighbours we can overcome this restriction. We have that letter from the neighbour however the architect says that the process is to submit the plans for licence with the house 15 metres away from the neighbour and move it when the time comes to build. they say that this is perfectly allowed to move a property once building starts (within sensible reason), and that given we are moving within the 15 metre restriction, we have the neighbours written support to protect us.
The lawyer says that this seems ok and that the architect takes responsiblity for this all the way through.
We can't understand why we can't simply submit the licence plans with the house in the correct location, and show the letter of support to qualify the neighbours support.
It seems the lawyer says trust the architect, the architect and builder both say it's perfctly fine and have given examples of many local peoplle that have done the same without problems.
Has anyone had similar issues or problems?
Thoughts and experiences very welcome please.
Regards, Carl