LEGAL HELP Does this sound right to you?

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17 Oct 2011 12:00 AM by lucas423 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

I am a spanish resident and want to buy a  250K property in spain from an irishman privately.

I cannot get a mortgage from the bank so he has offered to act as a bank as long as i put 50K down and pay 1500euros with 4% interest a month for 5 years and then i must find a loan to pay him the rest at the end of the 5 years.

He will hold on to the deeds until i get him all of the money in 5 years .

i  am confident i can keep up the payments but i am worried that he is holding onto the deeds and that i could lose all my money after 5 years if he doesnt hand over the deeds.

We would obviousley get contracts drawn up for security but could i still get stung in the end????

Any advice appreciated.





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17 Oct 2011 8:44 AM by cazzy Star rating in Inland Andalucia. 180 posts Send private message

 Providing it is dealt with buy a solicitor there should be no problem. I expect he will add a default clause so that if you don't keep up the payments the property will revert to him and you will loose everything you have paid.


One of our clients is doing the exact same thing at the moment and everything is working out well. They are not charging interest though, and the monthly payments will be deducted from the total owed at the end. 


A lot of property owners who do not need all of the money out of their properties are offering this sort of financing now as a way to sell their houses, as bank mortgages are few and far between!!

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17 Oct 2011 8:50 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I am not an expert in the area, but, I would have thought that a contract of sale drawn up and signed in the presence of a notary, and then properly registered with the Property Registry Office of the Town Hall, would cover this situation.
After all, that is what happens when a bank etc advance a mortgage.
Incidentally. One only ever has a copy of the Escritura (Deed) never the original. The original record is in the Property Registry Office
PS I guess the person making the loan would realise that he has a tax liability on the interest received.

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17 Oct 2011 10:19 AM by lucas423 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Hi Guys.

Thanks for the replies.

A contract will be drawn up but i dont think it will be in the presence of a notary and registered because it will not be ours for 5 years ,but i do not know about this.

Could this still be done?



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17 Oct 2011 10:21 AM by Jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

Jimbofinn´s avatar

Persoanally I wouldn't touch this deal with a bargepole.  I reckon as soon as you put your 50k down thats the last you will see/hear from this fellow.  Having said that, I don't know how many checks you have carried out to see if he is the rightful owner of the house etc.  For a start I would start asking neighours if they know anything about the man.  If those enquiries are positive in your favour, then you ay want to follow the advice given by the others who have replied thus far.  I would certainly not part with any hard cash otherwise.



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17 Oct 2011 10:49 AM by Onlymoney Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Presumably you mean an annual interest rate of 4% but your message does seem to read that the vendor/lender wants 4% per month

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17 Oct 2011 10:51 AM by lucas423 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Also the interest is 4%

So do i pay 4% on the 1500 euros a month OR 4% on the total amount over 5 years?????????????

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17 Oct 2011 11:11 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

I'm with Jimbofinn on this one.

Sounds like some type of option to buy/rent contract .....

You'll most likely be back on here in a few years time telling us you've paid all this money and still can't get a mortgage and owner is going to sell to someone else etc.

If you really want to go ahead then I would try and do it without the EUR50k deposit/option fee and jsut agree that % of rent you pay gets deducted should you excercise option to buy within 5 years.

That way it's just rent  ......

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17 Oct 2011 11:15 AM by Onlymoney Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

You'll almost certainly be charged interest on the amount that is being financed i.e., 200k.

How the interest is charged depends on what you agree with the lender and is legally documented. If it is written up like an HP agreement then the 4% would be applied on the 200k for the whole 5 years regardless of the capital portion included in the €1500 per month repayments.

If it's drawn up like a normal mortgage loan then the interest element would reduce each month (or possibly each year) as capital is repaid.





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17 Oct 2011 12:56 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

                             if you do not do it with a contract before the notary and have it registered in Property Registry you will have in effect nothing.  If the Irishman dies again you will have nothing. Either do it properly or forget it.
An as I said, in SPAIN,  there are NO ORIGINAL DEEDS given to anyone, the Property Registry is the record of who owns the property and what debts are REGISTERED on it.

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17 Oct 2011 2:04 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

This would not be by public deed and the deposit paid will not be registered against  the property.

It would be a straight forward private contract - more likely Contrato de arrendamiento con opcion de compra

Although it would be unusual to run for 5 years - usually 1-2 years is the norm.

I don't believe the death of the owner would impact becuase the proprty would pass with the tenant and the option contract.

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17 Oct 2011 2:12 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


                        as you can see this is causing confusion with conflicting advice being posted.


As its your money at risk, do yourself a favour, speak to a lawyer.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 17/10/2011.

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17 Oct 2011 2:52 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

LEGAL HELP Does this sound right to you?

No Lucas and it doesn't sound right to you or you would not have come to EOS for assurance.

Be very,very careful and as others have said get legal advice. Preferably from a lawyer who has absolutely nothing to do with the vendor, i.e., independent.

Better still, walk away.


This message was last edited by sandra on 17/10/2011.







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17 Oct 2011 11:34 PM by anthonyo Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

anthonyo´s avatar
Very very risky, if is not in the registry, he can sell the house again, or ask for a loan using the property as warranty, or if he owes money to someone he can lose the house, or if he has got any legal trouble within the 5 years he can lose the property, go to the notario to sign the contract and after that go to the registry. Any other way of doing the things can give you a headache.

I am Spanish, sorry for my english, i try to do my best.

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18 Oct 2011 12:32 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


As far as a good private contract is signed between you, I can see no problem with this. Contrct will have to cover all angles of legal status in the meantime, cancellation rights...

Kindest regards,



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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18 Oct 2011 2:43 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message


You are paying quite a sizeable deposit EUR50k

What if circumstances change and you can't keep up with monthly payments or you just don't want the house anymore?

What if at end of 5 years your circumstances have not changed and you still cannot get a bank mortgage?

I would be more inclined to look for a simple 1-2 year rent with option to buy contract but with NO deposit and if you buy in that time period then all rent is deducted - this would be more the norm. CAM are offering this on their reposseed propertes etc

Also have you checked if there is already a mortgage on the property? if so maybe you could subrogate.?

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10 Jan 2012 6:21 PM by sharky7007 Star rating. 24 posts Send private message

 Lucas, I'm a financial advisor.  Please let it fall. when you put money you have to have deeds, if not then go to north cyprus and with that money you will get a mega-villa, having no deeds for sure for 18months and then ... hopefully yes, but even not.  but do not do that, the life is complicated do not complicate it more than due. If he does you deeds of a different property or other concrete guarantee (I mean hard assets: phisical gold, lands, properties) gradually compensating your payments,  then could be interesting, but not at this proposed conditions.

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