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Hi has anyone experience with using Caucho Antigotera to waterproof a tiled terrace? What are the proportions of water to the Caucho please?
Hi foxpat,thank you for your potentially helpful reply .I had a look at their products but I think they use different materials for water proofing. I'm not sure but I think the product I've got is rubber based because it's called Caucho(rubber in Spanish).Maybe someone else will reply who's actually used it. But many thanks anyway.Peggy
Peggy Hi...
First sentence of the link I sent you in English...
"Trafficable waterproofing acrylic rubber based highly elastic, inert pigments and fillers, which give excellent waterproofing properties for both flat and sloped roofs."
and in Spanish...
"Impermeabilizante transitable a base de caucho acrílico de gran elasticidad, pigmentos inertes y cargas, los cuales le confieren inmejorables propiedades como impermeabilizante para cubiertas tanto planas como inclinadas."
Suggest maybe check out the website for the manufacturer of the material you have?
Is the dilution ratio not quoted on the container?
Hi again,
the trouble with the stuff I bought at our local Bricolage doesn't have a brand name. I was hoping to use it over the week-end but I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait until Monday and ask them what the exact proportions are for their product. Hopefully it won't rain before then. Many thanks again.Peggy
NB You do not paint it on top of the tiles. That product is for the base, on which you then put cement and then lay the tiles.
Maybe what you need is a silicone based waterproofed, like Thompson Wayterproofer in UK.. I suggest you ask at paint shop.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 30/10/2011.
Silicone based products (and maybe others) do not really dry when used on glazed tiles, although they appear dry. I used such a product on my terrace and over a period of a year or so, the tiles got dirtier and dirtier, but I could not remove the dirt.
I had used the product on the advice of Pinturas Andalucia. They and the manufactures (TKROM) visited my apartment several times and supplied various paint striping product but finally I had to buy a pressure hose. That eventually removed the water-proofer.
In my son's apartment where the problem was leaks into the apartment below, we carefully painted just the grouting with the water-proofer. That was successful and it did not affect the appearance of the actual tiles.
thanks John that sounds like good advice. Someone has told me to dilute it 50/50 and then use it again undiluted. But painting the grouting rather than the tiles makes sense because the person who previously applied the caucho it left a residue. Which is probably what you were trying to remove. The main thing is that I don't have any more leaks from the impending heavy rain.
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