Hi There Every One!
Health! What a great topic and is so important in fact if this issue is not addressed in many areas of your life then you simply wont have a life.
Yes we all think that we will only visit the doctor, dentist, hospital etc as and when we need to, and that if you are of a certain age you may need more or less depending on where you are coming from in the age factor. Well I am here to try and point out that you really need to take all of these things seriously of course but they are not the only things that make you healthy or not.
For instance many illnesses come from hidden traumas from your past. They could be physical or psychological things that you may think you have dealt with but in fact you haven’t. For example, please try to understand that there are two parts of you. There is YOU there is also YOURSELF I am not being crazy I am being deadly serious here, how often in conversation have you said something on the lines of ….
“I said to my self the other day” or “ I asked my self this question all the time” I think you get my drift, so if you can go with this you will understand that there are always two conversations going on all the time. One with your self and one with YOU. Sometimes we think we have dealt with something like a trauma and to a degree you have, but then there could be part of you that has not. When this occurs it can manifest in all sorts of areas of your life, sometimes physically in the form of pain in the body like back ache headaches. Joints etc and other times in a way that for no given reason what so ever you start to get a panic attack or feel really down for no apparent reason.
I am just touching here on certain issues to get my point across that not all of our health issues can be sorted through the normal medical avenues that we have been programmed to give all our thoughts to. Be open minded to all alternatives and try them, not as a total alternative to conventional medicine, but just be aware that there are many things in life that can make you happy like money, nice clothes, house, partners, great job etc but none of them are of any use if you do not have your health.
So in a nut shell what I am saying is this… Take care of yourselves the best you can, if after conventional ways you are still suffering then try alternatives. As an accredited Life Coach and Personal Coach I have become more aware of many great things that can help people tremendously. Some times even just talking to like minded people can be a great benefit, just knowing that some one else shares your own fears etc.
I am now here to make a difference in peoples lives one way or another, If any of this is of interest to you then drop me a line, if there is a lot of interest and enough people want to here me speak on the benefits of many things including what a coach like me can do for you then I will appear free of charge.
You will just need to supply a venue, get the people together and I will give a talk in the hope that I can at least make a difference into someone’s life.
Take Care
Brian 755