Will good professionals ever stand up to the mark in Spain and exert their influence?

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10 Feb 2012 12:00 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

I was horrified to see that yet again injustice in Spain is rearing its ugly head.


 This is yet another reason to keep the message loud and clear of the realities to real estate abuse in Spain and the injustice that is being heaped upon innocent purchasers.

 This is theft of possessions by the back door and no-one is safe in this scenario where retrospective action can be employed without any realistic compensation structure in place. Innocent purchasers should not be made the scapegoats or used as pawns in local/regional disputes of this kind. They are not responsible for paperwork being subsequently deemed worthless in the eyes of the Junta.

It's time for good professionals and their respective organisations within the real estate industry to unite against this unjust and uncivilised behaviour and become far more pro-active for justice to prevail. Where are you all? What are you doing about this?

 Any agent worth their salt should be shouting from the rooftops and demonstrating their commitment to protect their future client base by calling for a system of conveyancing that adequately prevents this scenario from reoccurring. And in the interim they should be demanding accountability in the form of a compensation  structure for those who through no fault of their own have had their lives torn apart by this infighting..

 As things stand the paperwork from local authorities/town halls appears to provide no security for the purchaser whatsoever. It provides no protection and ALL are at risk. The message is still sadly therefore BUYER BEWARE!

 Only when good professionals stand up to the mark, campaign for compensation and workable reform of procedures, and denounce uncivilised behaviour and bad working practices will Spain ever recover.

This requires courage but at the end of the day these major abuses are a cancer eating away at the real estate industry in Spain and it needs eradicating.

 The question remains, will good professionals ever stand up to the mark and exert their influence from within to effect workable solutions?

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10 Feb 2012 4:05 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 beleive me,many have tried and it's what we all want,the answer you get is that it is different now and that is true in a lot of cases.

I have two Spanish friends,one is a barrister and the other a regional bank manager,they moan about it as much,if not more than i do!

By trying to put things right as in knocking down illegal dwellings,it only highlights more the corruption that existed in the first place.

If they had not tried to clean up there act and enforce the laws then nobody would have realised what had been going on for years.........

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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10 Feb 2012 4:13 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

I'm sure that you all have the intellect to do something on a united front, if only you would all come together on this you would have a powerful voice Georgia.

You have to have the belief at the end of the day that a solution can be found and that you DO have the power of influence in your own homeland if only you would recognise it.

Corruption is a cancer that eats away at consumer confidence, but the solution should never include making innocent people the scapegoat. All that does is shift the corruption into a different form.

This message was last edited by ads on 10/02/2012.

This message was last edited by ads on 10/02/2012.

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