HELP in identifying Spanish Bank into which my Spanish Lawyer paid my deposits.

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06 Apr 2012 3:48 PM by belucky358 Star rating in North Yorkshire. 197 posts Send private message


I have been trying to identify the Spanish Bank which held my money as deposits for an "off plan property", which I began to purchase in 2004.

The property was being developed by AIFOS, and was supposed to be in the building, which was never built, called "Las Conchas", on the Hacienda Marina complex, in Benalmadena.

I was never issued with a Bank Guarantee and my Purchase Contract does not contain any details of any Bank

As a result of certain damning information I exchanged my original Spanish Lawyer to a second Spanish Lawyer, who took possession of my file in 2008.

The only Banking documents in my file are 6 copies of Caja Madrid forms which are evidence of payments made to AIfos. 

Obviously I may need this information in the future, so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.



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06 Apr 2012 3:54 PM by stillgoin Star rating. 161 posts Send private message

 this is a bit old info but worth a try


Caja Madrid, one of Spain's largest banks.

Their phone number is 902246810 and website is

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07 Apr 2012 12:47 PM by belucky358 Star rating in North Yorkshire. 197 posts Send private message

Hi stillgoin,

Thanks for the info, I have  contacted them before without any joy, but that was quite sometime ago, I'll try again and see if they can help me this time.

If anyone else can suggest  other possible enquiries, please feel free....



This message was last edited by belucky358 on 07/04/2012.

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07 Apr 2012 12:51 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


Ask the Mediation servcices of the Bar Association for help.

Also,join the Keith Rule´s Bank Guarantee in Spain petition.

Best of lucks!



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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07 Apr 2012 12:58 PM by stillgoin Star rating. 161 posts Send private message

 just found this address


Paseo de la Castellana 189. 
28046 Madrid.

and if you google


caja madrid  sucursales

then put where you live at the end it should give you local branch addresses

good luck

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07 Apr 2012 2:59 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


Are the Mediation servcices of the Bar Association now applying pressure on law firms to ensure these essential banking details are made available by the original conveyancing law firm, as we had been led to believe that they were not as effective as we had hoped?

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08 Apr 2012 12:10 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


I am just starting o develop a mediation relationship with one Bar association where we have had many problems with some law firms ( not mant, I would not say they are more than maybe 10) and they seem quite ready to help. I will be posting here as work develops.




Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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08 Apr 2012 1:49 PM by belucky358 Star rating in North Yorkshire. 197 posts Send private message

Hi Maria,

Thanks for the reply and your suggestion to contact the Bar Association sounds so simple, however where do we start ???

1/  Would an email suffice or should it be in the form of a letter ?

2/  Must it be in Spanish, as I have heard that if it is in another language, it automatically gets binned ?

3/  What is the email address or the postal address ?

4/  Can you suggest to whom I should address this letter/email ?

5/  What information should I incorporate in this letter/email ?

May I ask if your firm deals with these matters on our behalf, and what would be your costs ?

Incidentally we joined Keiths petition in 2010.


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