The Comments |
Just back from work after a VERY busy day - our restaurant and bar has been full from 12.00 midday and they're still coming in! So Happy Father's Day to all you Daddys in sunny Spain!
What a Great "father's day"
Breakfast In bed, a nice Sunny afternoon, long walk, Pub, Great dinner, followed by a large helping of Lewis Hamilton's exploits, Us Open Golf and Real Madrid's La Liga win!
Not a bad day all in all..........................................................
Mike T
Hello everybody...
Perhaps I am feeling a bit guilty for not "being" as close as I wished with my Dad now so I decided to translate something that appeared in an Argentine forum regarding fathers and how we feel...
"Dear Dad,
I would like to tell you a couple of things that concern us both. I want to share with you a few experiences that I lived at your side without your knowledge, experiences that in some way, I would like to transmit to my son when my time to be a father comes.
- When you thought I was not looking, I heard you beg to the Supreme Being that good health and work will never be a problem for us, then I`ve learnt that there was SOMEBODY I could talk to in the future.
- When you thought I was not seeing, I saw you worry about your friends in good health and for your sick ones, and thus I've learnt that we all have to look after each other and care too.
- When you thaught I was not looking, I saw you give your time and money to help people that had nothing, and I've learnt that we that "have" MUST share with the ones that have nothing.
- When you thought I was not looking, I felt you kissing me good night and I felt safe and loved.
- When you thought I was not looking, I saw you look after the house and all in it, and I've learnt to care for what is given to us.
- When you thought that I was not looking, I saw you fulfill your responsabilities, even when you did not feel well, and I did learn that I needed to be responsible when I grew up.
- When you thought I was not looking, I saw your tears, and then I learnt that sometimes things hurt, and that you may cry......
- When you thought that I was not looking, I saw I was important and I wanted to be what I was able to be.
- When you thought that I was not looking, I learnt all the things one need to know to be a good, productive person when I grew.
- When you thought I was not looking, I saw you and I wanted to say.... thanks for all the things that I saw, when you thought I was not looking....
Happy day Dad.
Cheers for all
Juan Pánzon, the "lost one"
A video that is going to make you cry, fathers........ and sons..... message was last edited by Juan on 6/20/2007.
Hi Juan, that was lovely it brought a tear to my eye. I was always a Daddys Girl when I was growing up, but as I got older we drifted apart, I remember him asking if I had a kiss for my old dad one day, I gave him one ( we had not been close for a long time). I never saw him alive again. It was as if he knew he was about to die and was trying to make up our dissagreements.
I live to regret wasted time I could have spent with my dad. Like mums, they are irreplacable.
Those words made me think, thank you for sharing them.
Trish x
Touched my heart , miss my father so much.
_______________________ Don't you just love life !!
Juan............that was beautiful and I feel quite choked. My Mother passed away one month ago and all of that could apply to her as well. Where was this piece originally published?
Hello there,
In my "virtual life" I am an F-16 pilot, and thus I belong to a "Squadron"... this Squadron is virtually based in Argentina and we have our own forum..... that piece of art was originally brought by another "pilot" callsign "Ronxs"  . this Squadron is quite famous in the air combat world as one of the first Latin ones. please visit us at............  and we will make a fighter pilot out of you!
I really could not stop crying, and I am a person that seldom cries...... this is off course an emotional disadvantage because, you know, even if it is not noticeable, the "procession" goes on inside....
Anyway, I am glad you liked, funny I had to be 43 to realize.... those words reflect on all of us..... the video.... well.... that was tremendous, I wonder what family that is?..... what father is that?... how that mother should be? both heros like every father and mother around the world.... and we bloody childs take too long to realize.... and recognize.....
If I could turn it into English I would happily read it - but so far no luck. No doubt I am being website illiterate!!
"Where was this piece originally published?
Hello Sharon,
Sorry, I was thinking in Spanish and trying to write in English and thus I was literally translating things that perhaps had no sense for most of you guys and gals.
Here we go again,
This piece that you liked, I got it from the forum of a "virtual air combat squadron", what it means?... well... some people goes to bars.... bingos, casinos, etc.... I get my exhilaration from pretending to be a fighter pilot in a very advanced air combat simulator that simulates de f-16 fighter plane. Since we can fly "one against the other" in a virtual environment the simulator produces, it becomes a "community thing" so there are thousand "pilots" all over he world grouped in communities that we so called "pilots" call Squadrons.... which is the normal way to associate "combat pilots"...
We can "see" each other and so we do a lot of team work while we try to dominate that so complicated thing as a combat airplane, the simm we "fly" is reputed to be a mirror image than what you need to know to fly the real thing.... so we become some sort of "nuts".... the bloody manual is 700 pages long.... and that is just the begining there are dozens of tutorials.... sometimes at two o´clock in the morning, my wife looks at me, with a worried face as I have the right hand on the "plane stick", my left hand on the accelertor and shouting orders to "break left" to my flying buddies on my microphone..... a bit hard for a guy in his 40ties.....  She completelly hates when I aknowledge some "order" from her with a laconic "roger that" ( understood and agreed on the "aviatoresse" language).
That´s what I call a "virtual life".... a "paralell life" in which a few hours a week I "fly" away from bloddy real life.... thats what I really would have wanted to do.
When I said "the procession goes inside" that was a "transliteration" almost.... in Spanish, we feel that suffering is a "procession" .. you know, that Spanish custom of carrying the saints and Jesus Christh on the "semana santa", when Jesus was tortured and went through the way to the Calvary Mount...
A Spaniard or a person used to think in Spanish would say "the procession goes inside" when trying to say that he is carrying a burden that can not share....neither show.
The rest I think it was understandable.... sorry but I have this stupid custom of always speaking using metaphores, perhaps it is s sign of lack of creativity and with the mixture of languages...
Cheers Sharon,
Juan, as ever, you are brilliant. Thanks.
Hello Juan
A misunderstanding I think! I didn't mean I couldn't understand your post - I meant that I couldn't understand the combat pilot website as I couldn't turn it into English.
I think your "metophoric" use of the English language has a certain charm!!
This message was last edited by Cioffi1 on 6/21/2007.
 Sorry Cioffy,
I did understand anything but what you wanted to say !!! Excuse me, I ussually post late at night and I am tired as hell....