gibralter and spain combined

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21 Apr 2012 7:50 PM by gravitatingsouth Star rating in wales. 58 posts Send private message


If you fly into Gib then go to Spain and buy Duty Free in Spain (and pay spanish tax) what happens if you then return to Gibralter for yout flight home to the uk ?

I know the allowance for cig from Gibralter is only 200 and that Gibralter cig are way less than if bought is Spain and paying Spanish Tax.

But if you have paid more for them - bought while in Spain - can you then fly back from Gibralter with the Spanish allowance considering the cigs were not bought in Gibralter at a price lower than when bought in Spain ?

Asking this because if they cost more in Spain, then returning on a Gib flight surely this would be the same as flying back from anywhere in Spain as you have paid Spanish Duty Free Tax meaning the cost of the cigs would never be the cost of those in Gibralter.

Anyone got he answer ?

GS :)


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21 Apr 2012 8:41 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 Keep your reciept to show that you bought them in Spain and paid Spanish duty.


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22 Apr 2012 6:17 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

How can you buy duty free in Spain ?


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22 Apr 2012 8:15 PM by Orinoco Star rating in Castilla La Mancha. 141 posts Send private message

Orinoco´s avatar

How can you not buy Duty Free in Spain?

The Spanish don't levy UK customs duty, excise duty or import VAT on the cigarettes that they sell.

Duty Free and Tax Free are two different things.

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22 Apr 2012 8:57 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

But legally one can take any amount of goods from any EU country to another, including cigs to UK. The ‘limits’ are only a guide, not a legal restriction

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22 Apr 2012 9:07 PM by Orinoco Star rating in Castilla La Mancha. 141 posts Send private message

Orinoco´s avatar

No-one's disputing that, the problem here is that the original poster is flying from Gibraltar back to the UK. Gibraltar, whilst part of the EU is exempt from the customs union and VAT area of the EU and so limits apply.

I had a similar experience buying 1000's of cigarettes in the Canary Islands once. It wasn't until I was on the plane on the way home, leafing through some in-flight bumf, that I saw I was 25 times over the limit for the amount of cigarettes I'd bought. I'd even had to purchase a huge sports bag to cram them all in.

It was a hairy 20 minutes going through customs at Gatwick... :) 

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22 Apr 2012 11:31 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar
The tobacco allowance from Gibraltar into the UK is 200 cigarettes - check it out in the official website. If you have bought tobacco in Spain, make sure you keep the receipt to show they are 'tax paid' in Spain.

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23 Apr 2012 8:48 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Gibraltar is not in the EU.



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23 Apr 2012 9:14 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

Gibraltar is part of the EU, although it is outside the customs union and VAT area.


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23 Apr 2012 2:03 PM by Orinoco Star rating in Castilla La Mancha. 141 posts Send private message

23 Apr 2012 5:35 PM by jaldridge Star rating in Manilva. 144 posts Send private message

jaldridge´s avatar

Gibraltar is most definitely part of the EU, it's just that they are not members of the Schengen agreement, hence the border with Spain.



EOS Team

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23 Apr 2012 6:21 PM by campoman Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

  all the cigs sold in Spain have all the health warnings written in Spanish on them, the ones  sold in Gibralter dont have any warnings on the pack  ( presumably they wont kill you  ???) if you get stopped by custome they can easy tell where you brt them, an if you and got more than 200 per adult from Gib wave em goodbye........ even if you flying home from Malaga ,and you got  a lot of cigs  in your hand luggage they will see when you put your bag through the security x ray  and  they do check  to see if the have been smuggled out of Gib  and will confiscate any over the 200  from Gib.........

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23 Apr 2012 9:50 PM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

BLIMEY sounds COMPLICATED perhaps this is the ANSWER


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