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On our urbanisation there were about 50 unsold apartments which had been repossessed by the bank. The bank has now sold them at auction and all 50 have just been sold too various companies.
How can we find out who has brought them and if possible how much they paid.
Any help appreciated
Don't say you can't do something without adding the word YET after it.
Hi Jack ; You need to obtain a Nota Simpla which reveals these facts. They can be obtained from various professionals including ourselves. They are obtained on line from the finca number or castral number. They cost around 18 € each.
You can also visit the property registery (Registro Propidad) for your town & effect a personal search for the same at around 3€ each but you will be asked for a written application for each property & a reason for the search.
Ultimately you may find out the investment companies that have bought them are associated companies with the bank that had possession by way of joint venture.
F.Parkinson . Jacksons Administradores SL
f.parkinson @
Bought jack, not brought.They bought the properties, unless they brought them over from the UK. I suspect they purchased the apartments in which case they bought past tense of buy. Yes I know you hate me for telling you something that grinds my gears but I'm having a Victor Meldrew moment.
No Jack5340 (Hilda Ogden) is having the Victor Meldrew moment. Nosey old so and so. Would he put up a poster outside his own dwelling saying how much he paid for it?, how much he has in the bank? How much disability benefit he currently receives?. How much alcohol he drinks a night?. Go mind your own business.
Or, of course he could be Donald Trump who wants to buy all the 50 apartments.
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
baabaabing, thanks for the correction. I did mean bought and no, I don't hate you for correcting me, my wife does it all the time.
potblack, Yes, I am nosy when it comes to things that could affect me adversely in many ways.
I am sorry if I have upset you with my question but, did it really require such an acidic response?
Don't say you can't do something without adding the word YET after it.
I can understand why anyone might be interested in who has bought a 'job lot' of apartments because this could have a big impact on those already living there - it could change the majorities within the Community of Owners, might change the way in which the development is used (more holidaymakers, less permanent residents, or the other way around - both with an impact on how things are for those already there) etc. etc.
The information should come through eventually on the accounts for the Community of Owners if the LPH applies to your development, as long as your president and administrator are diligent about tracking down new owners.
We have around 150 unoccupied apartments on our development some unsold, some repossessed and a few taken back by the bank as daciones en pago. In many ways I'd be pleased if they were sold for half the price we paid, as it would mean more community fees coming in (which we desperately need as neither the developer or the bank has paid a cent), and more people around to make the place look lived in! But I would still have some worries about how the new ownership could affect those of us who have already bought so I have some sympathy with Jack5340.
I think potblack might have been having a laugh ie; wasn't serious.
But, please don't stop being nosey, anyone. It helps to make the world go round. Ignore everyone and it just shows that you don't really care. (Thats my excuse, anyway!)

Thank you Potblack,
I can gaurentee that Potblack is not joking, very serious indeed.
As for being nosey, no need, just get on with your own lives.The most positve thing here is that they have been purchased, and soon they will be full of people instead of gathering dust and making the rest of the conourbation untidy and lifeless.
. Having read all the comments, I think Jack is simply curious? and hey, why not? I jumped on the band wagon and attacked poor Jack for his punctuation and then Potblack had a go and In hind site it was wrong of me and I apologise as it was unnecessary and pointless.
Well, I can see both sides of the 'argument' ie; stay interested in others as against don't go noseying into other people's business. However, if my mother's neighbour hadn't been so nosey (interested) in what was going on next door, we wouldn't have known my mother needed an ambulance until it was too late. Thankfully, our Mum is still with us, but only because the neigbour hadn't noticed her sitting in her chair next to the window that overlooks her (neighbour's) house at a time when she was usually there. Thank goodness, the neighbour didn't mind her own business and just get on with her life. I'm sure that sort of nosiness helps others all the time and long may it continue.


Yes, I was having a bit of a laugh. But Jack5340 you did come across as a classic Hilda Ogden.
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
Love it, potblack!
Yeh, we do tend to get a bit serious sometimes, don't we?
Being the curious sort...I would be quite interested in knowing just who bought those properties, jack5340!

I had a lawyer friend of mine ‘’nose poke QC’’ check all this out. They have been purchased by the ‘’Madrid young offenders institute’’ and are to be used as a Borstal. As you say better someone than no one. Now you can stop worrying jack5340! Like most things ‘’turned out nice again’’
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.