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Anyone had their electricity bill this month yet?
Endesa are applying a rate change for the 4th quarter 2011 and the 1st quarter 2012. For our bill it is an extra 55.00 which they are 'considerately' charging over the 5 months Aug to Dec. This represents a 10% increase for the period. Presumably they will attempt to do the same with bills from May onwards. What next?
I think it is to do with the removal of government subsidies which should have been removed earlier and weren't. I am pretty sure it applies to all tarrifs. The first of many hikes I think.
Yes this has been widely trailed in newspapers, both English language and Spanish. Amazingly Endesa are not the bad guys in this! They continued giving a discount for longer than they should have. The Government said they had to stop, and has backdated the change to when Endesa SHOULD have stopped. So Endesa is being required to claw back the discount you got. Actually i think they are being very fair about it, spreading it over 5 or 6 payments. It's a government tax, not an Endesa price-hike.
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
Yes I agree- it must be costing them a lot to let people pay over the extended period. The problem we all have is that the Spanish central government has been subsidising all sorts of things they could not really afford to subsidise.
Anyone had their electricity bill this month yet?
Slight bit of thread drift for which I apologise but has anyone NOT had their bill for August?
Mine normally arrives with a dull thud round about the 16th of each month and is paid by direct debit any time between the 16th and the 20th. This month however nothing...nada...zilch... No bill and no attempt to extract payment from my bank. It's a well established contract, been in place for almost 5 years, there is money in the bank to pay it so it's not as if the D/D has been rejected or returned.
Will pay a visit to one of their local 'puntos de informacion' tomorrow in an attempt to find out what's going on. Should be an estimate this month so it' doesn't matters if the meter reader is on vacaciones...
The Endesa Website has not even been updated for August yet. Normally our meters are read any time from 18th to 23rd of the Month and a couple of days later the Bill is available on Endesa's Website. Don't know if back dating the rates to last year has anything to do with this delay. Has anyone heard or know anything about this problem??????.
I have been unable to phone or go down to the Endesa's Offices in Estepona yet.
I have studied our last 2 bills, the recent one arrived just after October 26. The payment was taken from our bank on November 06. I have scrutinised both bills, there are no extra charges other than the vat increase from 18 to 21%.
Just as added info. Iberdrola are doing the same as Endesa i.e. clawing back the subsidy over several bills. They did send a letter explaining the situation. I've checked our last 2 bills (the latest taken from our account this week) and an adjustment has been made on both counts. Only thing not clear is how much the total adjustment will be and how many bills it will affect going forward.
_______________________ Pumpkin
In the defence of the Electricity companies,
On my bills I see that the back payments are attracting 18% IVA, not the 21% which the more recent chares attract.
We are new to Endesa after moving from the north east where we were with Iberdrola. Sorry but where is this information? as I can not see any extras on the Facturacion or any additions with 18%? is this amount supposed to be listed on the right? Maybe as we have only been with Endesa since June in this new house, the extra charges are not applicable to us?
I am fairly sure it relates to charges for electricity which (some ) suppliers charged, which were less than the Gov said they should. Thus the under charging is being recovered.
As those charges ‘should’ have been made at the time when the IVA rate was 18% that is why they are not charging the current 21%
From memory, the period in question is October 2011 to March 2012 so if you didn't move into your new home until after that time, it would explain why there is no mention on your bill(s).
And yes, the clawback is having the (relevant to the time) 18% IVA applied.
_______________________ Pumpkin
Thank you pumpkin and Johnzx for your helpful replies.
Hi Tanda
I too am receiving Endesa Bills with Rate Changes for 4th Quarter 2011 and 1st Quarter 2012. Don't know how long this is going to go on for. Endesa are really the pits charging the Consumer these exorbitant costs for Electricity. I live on the Western Costa Del Sol just near Costa Natura and are experiencing Power Cuts from anything from 1 Minute,5 Minutes up to a couple of Hours at a time during November. How can Endesa charges us these rates and they are still unable to provide us with a stable power supply. It is playing having havoc with my Internet as my Router is being continuously being re-booted all the time. Surely this will shorten the life of my Router.
Does anyone on this Forum have a solution this ongoing problem?
Many Thanks
Nigel - not sure if you had a chance to read back through the answers, but this is not Endesa's fault. They kept a subsidy in place but then the government told them they should have removed the subsidy. Under government instruction they have to take back the subsidy they had given customers from Oct 2011 to March 2012. As for the outages, October and November did have some pretty horrendous storms during October and so far in November too. Did the power cuts come during storms, or after fires or floods? General infrastructure problems throughout the Costa del Sol really, not just electricity. Difficult when we have no electricity l agree, but at least we didn't lose our homes like so many folks did. Not sure about the router. My understanding is that it won't affect its life, but it can take a little while for the router to "find" the best signal again after it is turned off / cut off. There'll be a signal straight away, but not necessarily as strong straight away. Hope that helps.
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
Hi Tamara
Many Thanks for your reply.
Yes ,I have been reading the previous threads on this subject but just wanted clarification on it.
Yes,we did have some outages during the November Storms.But have had quite a few Dips and power going off and on again since then. The Power went off again this morning for a second or two causing me to loose my Word Document I was typing.Also of course my Router reset itself again.Spain being a Third World Country,the aging infrastucture is not being replaced quickly enough.I would have thought with all these Wind Generators dotted over the Hillsides in Andalucia there would be plenty of Power for everyone.
Nigel where I used to live we had a lot of problems. My supply tripped off a lot. Eventually I changed the cut out and after that had considerably less problems.
Have you checked with your neighbours that they too are having the same problems? Just a thought
On the problems of loosing your work on your computer. Ever since I had the problems, mentioned above, I have had a UPS (Universal Power Supply) so I get 15 mins or so to do a back up. Also I have my WORD set so that it backs up every 5 mins thus I can only ever lose 5 mins work.
To set the auto save time in Word 2010.
Select:- File, options, save
Re computers and breaks in the mains power... It is possible to get around the problem of short term power interrupts. Carrefour, Alcampo and Mediamarkt sell smallish battery powered uninterruptible Power Supplies from around 80 Euros. These UPS boxes plug into the mains and one plugs the computer, monitor, and router into the outputs of the box. To cover most domestic installtions a box rated at about 850watts or greater is recommended.
The UPS senses any break in the incoming supply and instantaneously switches in the batteries which route via a built in inverter to provide an unbroken mains supply to the computer equipment. The UPS supply will be maintained generally for up to 10 minutes depending on the applied electrical load. When normal power is restored a part of the mains supply is used to recharge the batteries. If you have a wireless cordless phone you should plug the base unit into the UPS also, because in the event of a mains power cut one loses the power to the base unit and telefony is no longer possible. We have two phones, one cordless and one normal for just this reason. Normal phones use power from the phone lines rather than the mains.
Short term breaks in mains power of the type we see here in Spain can put spikes into the supply when it is restored and these spikes can, in the long term, damage the computers PSU and the routers PSU.
UPS's are not designed to cover long term breaks in power say more than ten minutes but they do give the computer user a chance to carry out a normal 'save whatever you are doing' and shut down.
They dont last forever... being battery driven they have a finite life but for the average user a UPS of this type will last at least three to four years, again it depends on the physical condition of the batteries, the number of power breaks it has to contend with and the load applied. A typical computer when being worked hard consumes around 350w a monitor about 100W the current draw of a router is so small as to be insignificant , but one should try to get a UPS that will cover twice the maxmum normal load. This action will ensure an optimum time for a normal shut user initited shut down. If you do go the UPS route dont use it in conjunction with a surge suppressor the UPS has a much better suppressor built in. Dont be tempted to run two tower or desktop computers from a single low price UPS such as that described, use one UPS for each system...
Thanks Foxbat for explaining more fully my reference to USP's
Incidentially, the USP I have for my main PC stopped working. I replaced the battery with a small 12v one (for a motorcycle) and it's fine again.
Better still by a UPS ( SAIS in Spanish . Sistema Alimentacion ininterrumpida suministro ) that comes with a CD that you can load on to the computer thereby when the power goes off if it does not come back on within a preset time , which you can set, then the computer shuts down after that period. Far safer escpecially when you are not at home.
Each of mine cost 45€ from a local computer shop.
Todos somos Lorca.