Address on NIE/ Social security

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23 Aug 2012 12:53 PM by amylaura Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

So when I moved to Spain I got my NIE certificate (certificado de registro de ciudadano de la union) for Pamplona with my address on there. Also the paper which has my social security number has the same address on it.

Now I have moved to Marbella. I know that I need to register at the town hall for the empadonamiento with my new address so that I can get a local doctor etc., but do I need to change the address on the other paperwork? It is very difficult for me to get time off from work to do this, so if it isn't necessary then I'd rather not waste the time.

Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks

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23 Aug 2012 2:12 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

If you spend or intend to spend three months permanently in Spain, you are obliged to register on the EU Citizen’s Register.   As soon as you have done that you become resident in Spain and tax resident in Spain


An NIE certificate is just registering for fiscal identification in Spain, and is only needed if you do not need to register on the EU Citizens Register.


The number on both is the same.

You are confusing the two.


I believe you do need to change the address on your EU Citizens Cert.   You will need to do so at the Documentation Office of Marbella National Police Station

This message was last edited by johnzx on 23/08/2012.

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23 Aug 2012 4:20 PM by hosilverlining Star rating in Property owner in Gr.... 173 posts Send private message

Any advice on changing the address on an NIE registration?  Ours was done on our behalf and we have the certificates, but weren't notified of the address which was used.  We think the town hall and possibily other authorities are using this address but have no way of knowing what might have been delivered to this address in the last couple of years!

We intend to go into the town hall when we are next in Spain to notify them of our correct address but how do we change the address which is attached to our NIE numbers?

We are not resident and NIE registration was done purely for purposes of property purchase, bank accounts etc.  Is it something we can change easily ourselves?

thank you

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23 Aug 2012 4:28 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 You don't need to change the address on the NIE.  Any other changes, such as registration of foreigners or padron will update your address with the local council etc.  However, it can be done by visiting the place that issues the NIE and asking for a "Cambio de Habitacion" form.  You might get a funny look, though, as it is not necessary.  Simply updating the padron should do the trick.


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23 Aug 2012 4:50 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

                   The Registration of EU Citizens is not linked with the Padron system, so a person who is so registered must also notify the change at the Documentation office (usually the National Police) for the area where they have moved to.  I have just called a Documentation Office to confirm that.
But as you say, that does not apply to those who only have an NIE cert.

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31 Aug 2012 6:53 PM by Rob in Madrid Star rating in Madrid. 274 posts Send private message

Rob in Madrid´s avatar

UPDATE, posted this else where but my Wife and I just went to do this and they refused to do anything unless she provides proof of employement (including but not limited to the last 3 pay cheques)  and copy of SS payments, as well as evidence of healthcare.

Question is how do you do that if you live but don't work here, ie retiree????


edit: just what the heck is the EU Citizens registar, never heard of it


This message was last edited by Rob in Madrid on 31/08/2012.


Decided after all I don't like Spanish TV, that is having compared both.

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31 Aug 2012 6:58 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

NIE    (número de identidad de extranjero, foreigners  fical ID number)

There are a couple pf posts explaining what you need to register and also a translation of the form.  (Soprry but I don't have the time now to make the search for you)

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31 Aug 2012 7:45 PM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 460 posts Send private message

mobailey´s avatar

Our NIE was issued in Alicante when we first came out on our hard hat tour but the house we bought is in Murcia. When we had our UK car changed on to Spanish plates and we handed over our NIE it was noted that it was iussed in Alicante province but we lived in Murcia province!!!!!!!!  No problem they simply amended the computer to show where we lived and it printed out a sheet of sticky backed barcodes which we simlpy stuck to the top of the NIE and away we went.

As for the question do you need an NIE check out this web site it is in Spanish as it is a Spanish site but it will tell you all you need to know ( use Google translator)


This message was last edited by mobailey on 31/08/2012.


Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help  

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31 Aug 2012 9:00 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


This is raw translation of the web page Mobailey quoted:-
Known as identification number of foreigners (NIE) is a personal and unique number which has identification purposes in certain proceedings with public administration. The request of the NIE is linked to legal residence in the country, so that illegal residents may not request this identification number.

Where to apply for the NIE?

We may ask the NIE on any Office of aliens or the embassies and consulates of the country where residamos depending on if we are in Spain or outside of it. In any case we will have to justify the reasons why we request the allocation of the NIE documents.
Documentation for the application of the NIE

-Fill in the following application form - download PDF

-One of the following documents: full passport, travel, or certificate of registration title

-Documentation for the justification of the reasons for the request

-If you are requesting the NIE from Spain provide proof that the person concerned is not in an irregular situation

External resources

-Location of the foreign offices in Spain -

-Official information about the NIE of the Ministry of the Interior -



This message was last edited by johnzx on 31/08/2012.

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31 Aug 2012 9:07 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

The NIE does not have an address shown on it (Well mine does not). 
The EU Citizen’s Registration Cert does show the address. 
Are you getting confused ?

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