¿Quien es mobailey?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... married to Bryan

Vivo en... San Cayetano

Me gusta... travelling, eating out

Trabajo de... running Bryans Blinds and www.discovercostacalida.info

Mi firma en el foro es...

Mo&Bryan www.bryansblinds.com &  www.discovercostacalida.info Why not see if can we help  

mobailey's latest forum comments

30 Jul 2014 9:36 AM:

Please come and join members of the Royal British Legion for a Service of Commemoration at Capilla de las Mil Palmeras Orihula Costa Sunday 3rd August at 11am. Followed by a Wreath Laying Ceremony in the Garden of Remembrance

Thread: Royal British Legion for a Service of Commemoration

19 Feb 2014 3:28 PM:

was just wondering as we believe the company which run that part of the road as gone bust because of so few cars using it. Is it any wonder at that price

Thread: toll road

19 Feb 2014 2:48 PM:

did you pay any tolls

Thread: toll road

19 Feb 2014 1:23 PM:

anyone know if the tolls are still being collected on the road from Cartagena to Vera as we have just come up that way and the Sat Nav wanted to take us along the AP7 even though we say no to toll roads the Sat Nav was up dated recently.


Thread: toll road

04 Jul 2013 6:19 PM:

 Interestingly my Sat Nav when used in the UK the week before last warned us when approaching a speed camera but on return to Spain this warning does not work here.  We have noticed this before so know it is not a problem with the tom tom, it may well be that this part  it is programmed not to work here?????????????

Thread: speed cameras


mobailey' blogs

News from the Mar Menor, Costa Calida
"we are trying to build a bank of information on the Mar Menor, Costa Calida in Murcia to help those who live there and visit. www.discovercostacalida.info - tourists, residents, holidaymakers, places to visit, where to eat. Los Alcazares, San Javier, La Manga, Cartagena, Murcia"
Last Updated: 1/7/2013 2:49:10 PM
Lifetime Views: 83651

Life at the Mar Menor Lets Office
" "
Last Updated: 3/22/2012 6:39:35 PM
Lifetime Views: 51555

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