Paramount Kent!!!

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08 Oct 2012 3:56 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Just read in The Times that there is a possibility of creating a huge Paramount theme park in Kent.   Thoughts on whether this would impact on the propsed park in Murcia?   Is there any news on the one in Murcia - it seems to have gone quiet?

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08 Oct 2012 5:02 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I hope the UK one has a big roof !

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08 Oct 2012 5:11 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 It is going to have EVERYTHING!!!   Well.....maybe not a roof - but everything else!!!   The proposal is for the biggest theme park in Europe.

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08 Oct 2012 5:40 PM by Geoff y Pat Star rating in Torre Guil / Sutton .... 90 posts Send private message

I'm with John on this one.  The weather in the UK isn't really suitable for a theme park of Disney/Paramount size.  As to the park at Condada de Alahama here in Murcia the first stone (or whatever) was laid about three weeks ago.  But they still need to find investors.  If Corvera airport opens next April 2013 (what they are now saying)  the possibility of the theme park has a better chance of being constructed.  They had more test flights at Corvera two weeks ago and all the traffic control issues have been resolved.   But who knows!!!!!!!!!   



This message was last edited by Geoff y Pat on 08/10/2012.

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08 Oct 2012 6:06 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Ah there's the rub...........the finance!!  That is the thing that the Kent one does not have either!!

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08 Oct 2012 8:06 PM by del007 Star rating. 274 posts Send private message

 They won't build both.  The one for Murcia is a condensed version of the one that was originally supposed to be built in Dubia, which fell through due to lack of finance.  It looks like Murcia may follow suit.


This message was last edited by del007 on 08/10/2012.

This message was last edited by del007 on 08/10/2012.

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08 Oct 2012 8:32 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

 Wow, they really do like getting peoples hopes up, any chance these stories can be started by dubious property speculators attempting to get the general public to jump in, feet first.. Quick lads here is another merry go round to have some fun on.

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09 Oct 2012 9:00 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 I know, it is so sad that people are led on in this way, though I suppose giving them the benefit of the doubt, a lot of capital is needed in addition to planning challenges etc!!   I have a friend who was looking at property around Murcia in May, and every agent went on about Paramount, especially when the foundation stone was laid.   It doesn't cost much to lay a foundation  stone of course and as far as I am aware, that is the only stone that has been laid so far in Murcia.   I did not know about Paramount and Dubai - and aren't Real Madrid supposedly going to open a mini theme park in Dubai???   How many of these proposed theme parks ever come about?  Am I right in thinking that the theme park outside Barcelona is struggling with visitor numbers?  Once Paramount Murcia is out of the way, we will return to Disney Andalucia - the ulitmate estate agents dream.

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09 Oct 2012 1:00 PM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

I can see no way that Paramount will open a theme park in Murcia , when they have one in Kent UK, weather wise there was the same problem with Disney in Paris, which has the same weather as London, cold in the winter,but it was built there and not in Spain.

I have just booked a flight with Easyjet for May next year flying into Murcia San Javier, so what is happening to Corvera, or is this another project like Disney Spain where they have missed the boat again?

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09 Oct 2012 2:06 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 The date now for Corvera seems to be around about springtimeish - give or take a few years  - maybe.

Though I do think it is more likely than Paramount Murcia, sadly.     (Sadly because I quite like San Javier!!!)

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09 Oct 2012 3:39 PM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

If the date for Corvera to be operational is spring 2013, and when it becomes operational they will close San Javier, why can I book flights up to the summer next yearto San Javier, and where are the airlines flying into Corvera?

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09 Oct 2012 4:31 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 That is the million dollar question.  Jet2 launched their dates a while ago making a big thing about how it would be business as usual.  Following this there was a flurry of activity at Covera.   Anybodies guess.

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10 Oct 2012 10:51 AM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

If you go on to Jet2 web site , there is no mention of flights to Corvera!

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10 Oct 2012 5:03 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 That is right - they advertised 'business as usual' from San Javier.  This seemed to stir up things a bit with articles in the press quoting some official as saying that they would be opening Covera in the spring.   But the Jet2 thing seems once again to question how far down the line Covera is --- or is not!!

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11 Oct 2012 12:04 PM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

It was reported today in the Spanish press that the proposed air corridor for civil flightsinto Corvera is unusable.

Aircraft were not able to receive signals from airport landing systems.

Central government have also blocked AENA from discussing with Corvera management the closure of San Javier and transfer of business.

There would appear to be alot of questions for those in power in Murcia, but I would not think that this airport will open to civil aircraft, and that might also prove the death of Paramount in Spain..


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11 Oct 2012 1:05 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

Have you got a link? that is really interesting.



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11 Oct 2012 1:09 PM by geofb Star rating. 19 posts Send private message

Go to tumbit spain website, reported today by Lucinda Castiles

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11 Oct 2012 3:26 PM by del007 Star rating. 274 posts Send private message

12 Oct 2012 9:59 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 The comment from Lucinda Castiles is interesting, but I have searched El Mundo and cannot find any reference to the airport this week.   I will try some other Spanish newspapers when I have time.

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12 Oct 2012 3:17 PM by Geoff y Pat Star rating in Torre Guil / Sutton .... 90 posts Send private message

Yes, I have read these reports also, but the thing I don't understand (I am sure someone can explain) is surely all these sort of tests were carried out 7 or 8 years ago.  And also, we can send and receive messages from Mars????????


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