Deposit Returned from Arenal Duquesa - Happy Ending

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26 Mar 2013 2:00 PM by Tamsin Star rating. 169 posts Send private message

Fantastic  News

After thinking that we has lost our  6000 Euro deposit for good we have had a bank statement in today to say that 6000 Euros has been deposited into our Spanish Bank . We are over the moon especailly as it was the company who contacted us not the other way around.   We never expected to receive that money ever and  had decided not to pursue the deposit through the courts working on the premise that even  if we did win we would never receive it.  How good was that decison without costing us a penny.

I am sure that the company must have been forced to carry out this exercise - benevolance does not play its part here but to amyone who has lost  a deposit please contact  their company . We were lucky as the company contacted us asking if we wished to purchase an apartment or receive out deposit .  Don 't give up .

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26 Mar 2013 3:00 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Well Tamsin,

that is really is good news , congrats, it is also interesting, I have never tried contacting Interlaken, always worked through lawyers until they disappeared, I wonder if they are still trading, I will google them, thank you.



N. Sands

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26 Mar 2013 9:41 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

This is fascinating.......... do you know if this became a Bank reposession?

I'm wondering if the Bank or developer have recognised that it makes more sense to return the relatively small deposit (by some standards.... no offence Tamsin!) so that they can legally resell the apartment?

Could anyone cast any light on this action?


This message was last edited by ads on 26/03/2013.

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27 Mar 2013 5:40 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

No luck with Interlaken, I suppose they are bust or hiding.


N. Sands

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03 Apr 2013 1:57 PM by Tamsin Star rating. 169 posts Send private message


I will have a look at the name of the company that returned the deposit. . It was not the name of the original one we put the deposist down with.  As I said we gave up completely  on this as it is nearly 5 years ago.  I  understand there was some ruling in the European courts - whatever it was it was good for us . That will pay our expensivee maintenance feeas for a few years .

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03 Apr 2013 3:36 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

Tamsin Congratulations that's great news!  You must be relieved! :) So glad yours was a happy ending!



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