can any one help me
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hello i am moving to quesada 12th april i willbe looking for work in the serounding area can any one tell me is there any work to be found dont mind what i do as long as i can find a job in uk i drive a coach for a private school but willing to do any job i work hard and i am trust worthy dave
To be honest I think you will have a problem finding any sort of work, the way Spain is at the moment and there are lots of people in the same position as you. There are lots of posts about moving to Spain so just do a search. Recently a coach driver posted on here.that he was looking for work so it might help to read this thread.
It's the threadmheaded "Hoping to move my family and I to Spain", about 20 threads down on the "recent threads" list.
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
Are you talking about Ciudad Quesada, inland Costa Blanca? If so, Bobaol is the guy that may be able to advise you. He lives there and can, probably, give you a better insight into the area than most.

Hi Daviddog, the best advice I can give you is to learn Spanish. Also if you have a trade it may help, but there are lots of people looking for the few jobs that are around
Air Conditioning, Energy Assessor+Technical Services,
I live in Quesada and it is still very quiet here at the moment and work is very hard to find. People are scrabbling around for odd jobs and nothing to be had unless you can speak fluent spanish
There are 2 coach companies that operate from this area so you might want to contact them and see how the land lies.
Daves Coaches which trades on line at and Rosa Tours
Good Luck with it all.
The key question is, is there a shortage of bus drivers where you are planning to go? If there isn't locals will get priority even if you can speak Spanish.
I know 2 ex pat HGV drivers who had work but have been the first to loose their jobs when their employers were cutting back and have now been forced to return to the UK.
If you have a trade or skill where there is a shortage in Spain (IT and printing are 2 I am aware of - and even these may only be in some areas) you should be able to get work but for most of us there is little chance of earning a decent living legally in Spain these days.
thank you all for your input i know its not going to be easy looking for work can only try 2 days a week would help thank you for names of coach companys will try them and yes i am moving to cludad quesada my place is on miragolf by golf corse. my nickname by the way is trigger i got that name about 10 years ago to rase money for children in need i dressed in all weston gear on bus when driving one, off the oap:s called me trigger that name as stuck ever since all the best Trigger
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