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29 Apr 2013 12:54 PM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message



This is not strictly about Spain but thought someone could help. I lost my mobile recently in Spain, contracted to Vodafone. I have another 12 months on contract until I can get any other offers on telephone. Vodafone have told me that if I want another phone similar to Galaxy s2, which was part of contract, I have to pay a 275 euro ´penalizacion´ and then some more towards the phone., Not only that but they will start my 24 month contract again from the day I buy the phone .... NO THANKS ...

So my question would be, to avoid having to wait until December for another phone as part of new Vodafone renewal contract, where is the best/cheapest place in UK to buy an S2 or Galaxy 3 that is obviously open to take a Spanish card?


Thanks. Jane

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29 Apr 2013 1:05 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

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29 Apr 2013 1:16 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I bought 3 brand new Samsung phones from Carphone warehouse, all 3 were unlocked to take any sim, as i think all the phones they sell are, the young girl did the setting up and transfer of numbers from old to new for me, had checked out a few others for price but this company beat them all.

How cheap is cheap when something doesn't work correctly, or as it should and you have to return it to someone of the Internet.

I had good service that's all i can say, and would go back for more.

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29 Apr 2013 3:02 PM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message

 thanks all ..

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