Hi i have put a deposit on a phase 2 apartment in block 3 and went to view the apartment in the first week in july,Then found that because the phase 2 is still under costruction I had to view the show apartment in phase 1, which looks smaller than the one shown to me in marbella or benalmadena,I have viewed some of the photos in the forum and block 3 which is in a building consisting of blocks 1,2 and 3 is on its own behind blocks 4,5 and 6 , from the photos I can not see if it has been constructed at all. Buildings with blocks 4,5and 6 then 7,8 and 9 and 10,11 and 12 have been constucted and these are the ones I have seen.
Has anyone purchased an apartment in the same block and do you have the new uk tel number for the new company that has taken over from arenal
hope someone can help